This commit is contained in:
Zane C. B-H 2019-12-23 06:54:34 -06:00
parent ec66b594ab
commit a0be387874
2 changed files with 516 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -4,25 +4,26 @@ use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
NAME => 'Cluster::SSH::Helper',
AUTHOR => q{Zane C. Bowers-Hadley <vvelox@vvelox>},
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Cluster/SSH/',
ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Cluster/SSH/',
LICENSE => 'artistic_2',
MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006',
'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '0',
'Test::More' => '0',
#'ABC' => '1.6',
#'Foo::Bar::Module' => '5.0401',
dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
clean => { FILES => 'Cluster-SSH-Helper-*' },
NAME => 'Cluster::SSH::Helper',
AUTHOR => q{Zane C. Bowers-Hadley <vvelox@vvelox>},
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Cluster/SSH/',
ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Cluster/SSH/',
LICENSE => 'artistic_2',
MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006',
'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '0',
'Test::More' => '0',
dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
clean => { FILES => 'Cluster-SSH-Helper-*' },
# Compatibility with old versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
unless (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.64'); 1 }) {

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ package Cluster::SSH::Helper;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config::Tiny;
use String::ShellQuote;
use SNMP;
=head1 NAME
@ -10,12 +13,11 @@ Cluster::SSH::Helper - The great new Cluster::SSH::Helper!
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.01
Version 0.0.1
our $VERSION = '0.01';
our $VERSION = '0.0.1';
@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ Perhaps a little code snippet.
use Cluster::SSH::Helper;
my $foo = Cluster::SSH::Helper->new();
my $csh = Cluster::SSH::Helper->new();
=head1 EXPORT
@ -33,22 +35,506 @@ Perhaps a little code snippet.
A list of functions that can be exported. You can delete this section
if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented module.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 function1
=head2 new
Any initially obvious errors in the passed config or hosts config will result in
this method dieing.
=head3 config
This is the general configuration.
If not, the defaults are used.
=head3 hosts
This specifies the is a hash containing the host specific configuration.
This must be defined.
sub function1 {
sub new {
my $config = $_[ 1 ];
my $hosts = $_[ 2 ];
# make sure we have a config and that it is a hash
if ( defined( $config ) ) {
if ( ref( $config ) ne 'HASH' ) {
die( 'The passed reference for the config is not a hash' );
if ( !defined( $config->{ '_' } ) ) {
$config->{ '_' } = {};
if ( defined( $config->{ '_' }{ 'env' } ) ) {
if ( !defined( $config->{ $config->{ '_' }{ 'env' } } ) ) {
die( '"' . $config->{ '_' }{ 'env' } . '" is specified as for $config->{_}{env} but it is undefined' );
else {
$config = { '_' => {} };
# make sure we have a hosts and that it is a hash
if ( defined( $hosts ) ) {
if ( ref( $hosts ) ne 'HASH' ) {
die( 'The passed reference for the hosts is not a hash' );
else {
# this module is useless with out it
die( 'No hash reference passed for the hosts config' );
my $self = {
config => $config,
hosts => $hosts,
default => {
'timeout' => '500',
snmp_vars => {
'version' => 'Version',
'community' => 'Community',
'port' => 'RemotePort',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'username' => 'SecName',
'authpassword' => 'AuthPass',
'authprotocol' => 'AuthProto',
'privpassword' => 'PrivPass',
'privprotocol' => 'PrivProto',
'secname' => 'SecName',
'seclevel' => 'SecLevel',
'secengineid' => 'SecEngineId',
'contextengineid' => 'ContextEngineId',
'context' => 'Context',
'host' => 'DestHost',
bless $self;
# set defaults
if ( !defined( $self->{config}{_}{warn_on_poll} ) ) {
$self->{config}{_}{warn_on_poll} = 1;
if ( !defined( $self->{config}{_}{method} ) ) {
$self->{config}{_}{method} = 'load_1m';
if ( !defined( $self->{config}{_}{timeout} ) ) {
$self->{config}{_}{timeout} = '500';
if ( !defined( $self->{config}{_}{ssh} ) ) {
$self->{config}{_}{ssh} = 'ssh';
return $self;
=head2 function2
=head2 run
=head3 command
This is a array to use for building the command that will be run.
Basically thinking of it as @ARGV where $ARGV[0] will be the command
and the rest will the the various flags etc.
=head3 env
This is a alternative env value to use if not using the defaults.
=head3 method
This is the selector method to use if not using the default.
=head3 debug
If set to true, returns the command in question after figuring out what it is.
sub function2 {
sub run {
my $self = $_[ 0 ];
my $opts = $_[ 1 ];
# make sure we have the options
if ( !defined( $opts ) ) {
die( 'No options hash passed' );
else {
if ( ref( $opts ) ne 'HASH' ) {
die( 'The passed item was not a hash reference' );
if ( !defined( $opts->{ command } ) ) {
die( '$opts->{command} is not defined' );
# Gets the method to use
if (!defined( $opts->{method} )) {
# gets the env to use
my $default_env;
if ( !defined( $opts->{env} ) ) {
if ( defined( $self->{config}{_}{env} ) ) {
$opts->{env} = $self->{config}{_}{env};
# _ is the root of the ini file... not a section, which are meant to be used as env
if ( $opts->{env} eq '_' ) {
die('"_" is not a valid name for a enviroment section');
# figure out what host to use
my $host;
if ( $opts->{method} eq 'load_1m' ) {
$host = $self->lowest_load_1n;
} elsif ( $opts->{method} eq 'ram_used_percent' ) {
$host = $self->lowest_used_ram_percent;
} else {
die( '"' . $opts->{method} . '" is not a valid method' );
# if we don't have a host, no point in proceeding
if (!defined($host)) {
die('Unable to get a host. Host chooser method returned undef.');
# real in host specific stuff
my $ssh_host = $host;
if ( defined( $self->{hosts}{$host}{host} ) ) {
$ssh_host = $self->{hosts}{$host}{host};
if ( defined( $self->{hosts}{$host}{env} ) && $default_env ) {
$opts->{env} = $self->{hosts}{$host}{env};
# makes sure the section exists if one was specified
my $env_command;
if ( defined( $opts->{env} )
&& !defined( $self->{config}{_}{ $opts->{env} } ) ) {
die( '"'
. $opts->{env}
. '" is not a defined section in the config' );
# builds the env commant
$env_command = '/usr/bin/env';
foreach my $key ( keys( @{ $self->{config}{ $$opts->{env} } } ) ) {
$env_command =
$env_command . ' '
. shell_quote( shell_quote($key) ) . '='
. shell_quote(
shell_quote( $self->{config}{ $opts->{env}{$key} } ) );
# the initial command to use
my $command = $self->{config}{_}{ssh};
if ( defined( $self->{config}{_}{ssh_user} ) ) {
$command =
$command . ' '
. shell_quote( $self->{config}{_}{ssh_user} ) . '@'
. shell_quote($ssh_host);
# add the env command if needed
if (defined($env_command)) {
$command=$command.' '.$env_command;
# add on each argument
foreach my $part ( @{ $opts->{command} } ) {
if ( defined($env_command) ) {
$command = $command . ' '
. shell_quote( shell_quote( shell_quote($part) ) );
} else {
$command = $command . ' ' . shell_quote( shell_quote($part) );
if ( $opts->{debug} ) {
return $command;
return $?;
=head2 lowest_load_1n
This returns the host with the lowest 1 minute load.
my $host = $csh->lowest_load_1m;
sub lowest_load_1n {
my $self = $_[ 0 ];
my @hosts = keys( %{ $self->{ hosts } } );
# holds a list of the 1 minute laod values for each host
my %host_loads;
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
my $snmp;
my $load;
# see if we can create it and fetch the OID
eval {
$snmp = $self->snmp_object_create($host);
$load = $snmp->get('');
my $poll_failed;
if ( $@ && $self->{config}{_}{warn_on_poll} ) {
warn( 'Polling for "' . $host . '" failed with... ' . $@ );
$poll_failed = 1;
if ( defined($load) ) {
# if we are here, then polling worked with out issue
$host_loads{$host} = $load;
} elsif ( defined($poll_failed)
&& !defined($load) ) {
# If here, it means the polling did not die, but it also did not work
warn( 'Polling for "' . $host . '" returned undef' );
my @sorted = sort { $host_loads{$a} <=> $host_loads{$b} } keys(%host_loads);
# we did not manage to poll anything... or thre are zero hosts
if (!defined($sorted[0])) {
die('There are either zero defined hosts or polling failed for all hosts');
return $sorted[0];
=head2 lowest_used_ram_percent
This returns the host with the lowest percent of used RAM.
my $host = $csh->lowest_used_ram_percent;
sub lowest_used_ram_percent {
my $self = $_[ 0 ];
my @hosts = keys( %{ $self->{ hosts } } );
# holds a list of the 1 minute laod values for each host
my %hosts_polled;
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
my $snmp;
my $used;
my $total;
my $percent;
# see if we can create it and fetch the OID
eval {
$snmp = $self->snmp_object_create($host);
$used = $snmp->get('');
$total = $snmp->get('');
if ( !defined($used)
|| !defined($total) ) {
# If we did not get either, we cam't proceed
die( 'Failed to get OID . or . for the host' );
$percent = $used / $total;
my $poll_failed;
if ( $@ && $self->{config}{_}{warn_on_poll} ) {
warn( 'Polling for "' . $host . '" failed with... ' . $@ );
$poll_failed = 1;
if ( defined($total) ) {
# if we are here, then polling worked with out issue
$hosts_polled{$host} = $percent;
} elsif ( defined($poll_failed)
&& !defined($percent) ) {
# If here, it means the polling did not die, but it also did not work
warn( 'Polling for "' . $host . '" returned undef' );
my @sorted = sort { $hosts_polled{$a} <=> $hosts_polled{$b} } keys(%hosts_polled);
# we did not manage to poll anything... or thre are zero hosts
if (!defined($sorted[0])) {
die('There are either zero defined hosts or polling failed for all hosts');
return $sorted[0];
=head2 snmp_object_create
This creates the L<SNMP> object.
One argument is required and that is the hostname to create it for.
If this errors, it will die.
my $session;
my $session=$csh->snmp_object_create( $hostname );
if ($@){
die("Failed to create a session... ".$hostname);
sub snmp_object_create {
my $self = $_[ 0 ];
my $host = $_[ 1 ];
if ( !defined( $host )
|| !defined( $self->{ hosts }{ $host } ) )
die( 'No host defined or host does not exist' );
my @snmp_vars = keys( %{ $self->{ snmp_vars } } );
# initialize the args and set the hostname
my %args = ( 'DestHost' => $host );
# go through the possible SNMP args looking for defined values and reel them in
foreach my $key ( @snmp_vars ) {
# the Net::SNMP argument name
my $arg_name = $self->{ snmp_vars }{ $key };
# general
if ( defined( $self->{ config }{ $key } ) ) {
$args{ $arg_name } = $self->{ config }{ $key };
#host specific over ride of general
if ( defined( $self->{ hosts }{ $host }{ $key } ) ) {
$args{ $arg_name } = $self->{ hosts }{ $host }{ $key };
my $session = SNMP::Session->new( %args );
return $session;
=head2 GENERAL
The general configuration.
This is written to be easily loadable via L<Config::Tiny>, hence why '_' is used.
=head3 _
This contains the default settings to use. Each of these may be over ridden on a per host basis.
If use SNMPv3, please see L<Net::SNMP> for more information on the various session options.
=head4 method
This is default method to use for selecting the what host to run the command on. If not specified,
'load' is used.
load_1m , checks 1 minute load and uses the lowest
ram_used_percent , uses the host with the lowest used percent of RAM
=head4 ssh
The default command to use for SSH.
If not specified, just 'ssh' will be used.
This should not include either user or host.
=head4 ssh_user
If specified, this will be the default user to use for SSH.
If not specified, SSH is invoked with out specifying a user.
=head4 env
If specified, '/usr/bin/env' will be inserted before the command to be ran.
The name=values pairs for this will be built using the hash key specified by this.
=head4 version
This is the SNMP version to use. '1', '2', or '3' is expected.
If not specified 2 is used.
=head4 community
If version is set to 1 or 2, then this may be used to
specify the SNMP community.
If not specified, 'public' is used.
=head4 port
This is the SNMP port to use. If not specified, 161 is used.
=head4 timeout
This is the SNMP timeout to use in micro seconds . If not specified, it defaults to 500.
=head4 warn_on_poll
Issue a warn() on SNMP timeouts or other polling issues. This won't be a automatic failure. Simply timing out
on SNMP means that host will be skipped and not considered.
This defaults to 1, true.
=head4 username
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP username field to use.
=head4 authpassword
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP authpassword to use.
=head4 authprotocol
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP authprotocol to use.
=head4 privpassword
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP privpassword to use.
=head4 privprotocol
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP prviprotocol to use.
=head2 HOSTS
This contains the hosts to connect to.
Each key of this hash reference is name of the host in question. The value is a hash
containing any desired over rides to the general config.
=head1 AUTHOR
Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, C<< <vvelox at vvelox> >>
@ -106,4 +592,4 @@ This is free software, licensed under:
1; # End of Cluster::SSH::Helper
1; # End of Cluster::SSH::Helper