add command line info

This commit is contained in:
Zane C. B-H 2019-08-07 06:22:14 -05:00
parent 8494c8f951
commit 9eca932ba8
1 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,76 @@ The search criteria can be any of the following.
* username
# Command Line Options
-a Show all connections.
--drp Don't resolve port names.
-i Invert the sort.
-l Show the listening ports.
-n Don' resolve the PTRs.
--nc Don\t use colors.
-S <sort> The Net::Connection::Sort to use.
-t Show only TCP connections.
-u Show only UDP connections.
-c <CIDRs> A comma seperated list of CIDRs to search for.
--ci Invert the CIDR search.
-C Show the command to the first space.
--Cl Show the whole command.
--cmd <cmds> A comma seperated list of commands to search for.
--cmdi Invert the command search.
-p <ports> A comma seperated list of ports to search for.
--pi Invert the port search.
-P <protos> A comma seperated list of protocols to search for.
--Pi Invert your protocol search.
--pid <pids> A comma separated list of PIDs to search for.
--pidi Invert the pid search.
--ptrr <rgx> A comma seperated list of regex to use for a PTR search.
--ptrri Invert the RegexPTR search.
--lptrr <rgx> A comma seperated list of regex to use for a local PTR search.
--lptrri Invert the local RegexPTR search.
--rptrr <rgx> A comma seperated list of regex to use for a remote PTR search.
--rptrri Invert the remote RegexPTR search.
--ptr <PTRs> A comma seperated list of PTRs to search for.
--ptri Invert the PTR search.
--lptr <PTRs> A comma seperated list of local PTRs to search for.
--lptri Invert the local PTR search.
--rptr <PTRs> A comma seperated list of remote PTRs to search for.
--rptri Invert the remote PTR search.
-s <states> A comma seperated list of states to search for.
--si Invert the state search.
-u <users> A comma seperated list of usernames to search for.
--ui Invert the username search.
--uid <uids> A comma separated list of UIDs to search for.
--uidi Invert the UID search.
The default available sort methods are as below.
host_f foreign host
host_fl foreign host, local host
host_l local host
host_lf local host, foreign host
pid process ID
port_f foreign port, numerically
port_fa foreign port, alphabetically
port_l local port, numerically
port_la local port, alphabetically
proto protocol
ptr_f foreign PTR
ptr_l local PTR
state state
uid user ID
user username
# Installing
## FreeBSD