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15 Commits

7 changed files with 372 additions and 258 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
Revision history for Net-Connection-ncnetstat
0.8.0 2023-06-01/13:15
- Don't try to sort by default now.
0.7.1 2021-02-19/08:00
- Bump the min version of Text::ANSITable required to 0.601. Thanks SREZIC / #134375.
- Fix some typos in bin/ncnetstat docs. Thanks RSAVAGE / #134382.
0.7.0 2021-02-19/06:30
- Revert to lsof on FreeBSD given formatting problems with
sockstat on FreeBSD with long IPv6 addresses.
0.6.4 2021-02-17/04:00
- Change use if around to play friendly with older versions of Perl.
0.6.3 2021-02-16/10:30
- Fix at runtime module use to actually work now. Thanks Grinnz, Botje!
0.6.2 2021-02-16/02:30
- Remove it accidentally using Net::Conection::lsof always.
0.6.1 2021-02-08/20:00
- Accidentally inverted the OS check for FreeBSD in Makefile.PL.
0.6.0 2021-02-08/08:00
- Now uses sockstat on FreeBSD.
- Make --pct, -C, --Cl, and -W XORable via $ENV
0.5.0 2019-09-03/03:30
- Add the arg no_pid_user.

View File

@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ t/00-load.t

View File

@ -4,49 +4,56 @@ use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
NAME => 'Net::Connection::ncnetstat',
AUTHOR => q{Zane C. Bowers-Hadley <>},
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Net/Connection/',
ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Net/Connection/',
LICENSE => 'artistic_2',
MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006',
INST_SCRIPT => 'bin',
'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '0',
'Test::More' => '0',
dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
clean => { FILES => 'Net-Connection-ncnetstat-*' },
NAME => 'Net::Connection::ncnetstat',
AUTHOR => q{Zane C. Bowers-Hadley <>},
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Net/Connection/',
ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Net/Connection/',
LICENSE => 'artistic_2',
MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006',
INST_SCRIPT => 'bin',
'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '0',
'Test::More' => '0',
'Net::Connection' => '0.2.0',
'Net::Connection::lsof' => '0.3.0',
'Net::Connection::Match' => '0.5.0',
'Net::Connection::Sort' => '0.1.1',
'Term::ANSIColor' => '4.06',
'Text::ANSITable' => '0.601',
'Getopt::Long' => '0.0.0',
'Data::Unixish::Apply' => '1.570',
dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
clean => { FILES => 'Net-Connection-ncnetstat-*' },
#if ( $^O =~ /freebsd/ ) {
# $WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM}{'Net::Connection::FreeBSD_sockstat'} = '0.0.1';
#else {
$WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM}{'Net::Connection::lsof'} = '0.2.0';
# Compatibility with old versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
unless (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.64'); 1 }) {
my $test_requires = delete $WriteMakefileArgs{TEST_REQUIRES} || {};
@{$WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM}}{keys %$test_requires} = values %$test_requires;
unless ( eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.64'); 1 } ) {
my $test_requires = delete $WriteMakefileArgs{TEST_REQUIRES} || {};
@{ $WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM} }{ keys %$test_requires } = values %$test_requires;
unless (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.55_03'); 1 }) {
my $build_requires = delete $WriteMakefileArgs{BUILD_REQUIRES} || {};
@{$WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM}}{keys %$build_requires} = values %$build_requires;
unless ( eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.55_03'); 1 } ) {
my $build_requires = delete $WriteMakefileArgs{BUILD_REQUIRES} || {};
@{ $WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM} }{ keys %$build_requires } = values %$build_requires;
delete $WriteMakefileArgs{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES}
unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.52'); 1 };
unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.52'); 1 };
delete $WriteMakefileArgs{MIN_PERL_VERSION}
unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.48'); 1 };
unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.48'); 1 };
delete $WriteMakefileArgs{LICENSE}
unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.31'); 1 };
unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION('6.31'); 1 };

View File

View File

@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ use Getopt::Long;
use Net::Connection::ncnetstat;
sub version{
print "ncnetstat v. 0.2.0\n";
print "ncnetstat v. 0.4.0\n";
sub help{
print '
-a Show all connections.
--drp Do not resolve port names.
--dump Show the Net::Connection::Match filter and exit.
-i Invert the sort.
-l Show the listening ports.
-n Do not resolve the PTRs.
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ ptr_f foreign PTR
ptr_l local PTR
state state
uid user ID
unsorted Unsorted ((default))
user username
For CPU, memory, PID, and UID searches, the equalities below can be
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ my $udp=0;
my $help=0;
my $version=0;
my $dont_resolve_ports=0;
my $sort='host_fl';
my $sort='unsorted';
my $cidr_string;
my $lcidr_string;
my $rcidr_string;
@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ my $cpu_string;
my $cpu_invert=0;
my $mem_string;
my $mem_invert=0;
my $dump=0;
# get the commandline options
Getopt::Long::Configure ('no_ignore_case');
@ -214,6 +217,7 @@ GetOptions(
'cpui' => \$cpu_invert,
'mem=s' => \$mem_string,
'memi' => \$mem_invert,
'dump' => \$dump,
my @filters;
@ -230,28 +234,46 @@ if ( $help ){
# XOR various command line options
if (defined( $ENV{'ncnetstat_pct'} )) {
$pct_show= $pct_show ^ $ENV{'ncnetstat_pct'};
if (defined( $ENV{'ncnetstat_C'} )) {
$command = $command ^ $ENV{'ncnetstat_C'};
if (defined( $ENV{'ncnetstat_Cl'} )) {
$command_long = $command_long ^ $ENV{'ncnetstat_Cl'};
if (defined( $ENV{'ncnetstat_W'} )) {
$wchan_show = $wchan_show ^ $ENV{'ncnetstat_W'};
# add the filters for the -l and -a option
if (
( ! $all ) &&
( ! $listening )
# If -a is not given, we don't want the listen ports
push( @filters, {
push( @filters,
$listening &&
@ -608,6 +630,13 @@ if ( $command_long && ! $command ){
#dump the filters if asked
if ($dump) {
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper( \@filters );
my $ncnetstat=Net::Connection::ncnetstat->new(
@ -887,21 +916,45 @@ A space-separated list of nameservers to query used by L<Net::DNS::Resolver>.
There are a few more possible ones, but this is the most useful one and that documentation
really belongs to that module.
=head2 ncnetstat_C
Used to xor the -C switch.
Set to either 0 or 1, boolean, for setting the default.
=head2 ncnetstat_Cl
Used to xor the --Cl switch.
Set to either 0 or 1, boolean, for setting the default.
=head2 ncnetstat_W
Used to xor the -W switch.
Set to either 0 or 1, boolean, for setting the default.
=head2 ncnetstat_pct
Used to xor the --pct switch.
Set to either 0 or 1, boolean, for setting the default.
ncnestat -s established,time_wait
ncnetstat -s established,time_wait
Return a list of connection that are in the established or time_wait state.
ncnestat -c ::/0
ncnetstat -c ::/0
Return a list of all IPv6 addresses.
ncnestat -c ::1/128,
ncnetstat -c ::1/128,
Return all connections to localhost.
ncnestat -c -l
ncnetstat -c -l
Display all connections listening explicitly on

View File

@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ use warnings;
use Net::Connection;
use Net::Connection::Match;
use Net::Connection::Sort;
use Net::Connection::lsof;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Proc::ProcessTable;
use Text::ANSITable;
# use Net::Connection::FreeBSD_sockstat if possible
#use if $^O eq 'freebsd', 'Net::Connection::FreeBSD_sockstat';
#use if $^O ne 'freebsd', 'Net::Connection::lsof';
use Net::Connection::lsof;
=head1 NAME
@ -18,11 +21,11 @@ Net::Connection::ncnetstat - The backend for ncnetstat, the colorized and enhanc
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.5.0
Version 0.8.0
our $VERSION = '0.5.0';
our $VERSION = '0.8.0';
@ -96,63 +99,63 @@ This is what is to be passed to L<Net::Connection::Sorter>.
The default is as below.
sub new{
sub new {
my %args;
%args= %{$_[1]};
if ( defined( $_[1] ) ) {
%args = %{ $_[1] };
if (! defined( $args{sorter} ) ){
if ( !defined( $args{sorter} ) ) {
$args{sorter} = {
type => 'unsorted',
invert => 0,
my $self = {
sorter=>Net::Connection::Sort->new( $args{sorter} ),
bless $self;
invert => 0,
sorter => Net::Connection::Sort->new( $args{sorter} ),
ptr => 1,
command => 0,
command_long => 0,
wchan => 0,
pct => 0,
no_pid_user => 0,
bless $self;
if ( defined( $args{match} ) ){
$self->{match}=Net::Connection::Match->new( $args{match} );
if ( defined( $args{match} ) ) {
$self->{match} = Net::Connection::Match->new( $args{match} );
if ( defined( $args{ptr} )){
if ( defined( $args{ptr} ) ) {
$self->{ptr} = $args{ptr};
if ( defined( $args{command} ) ){
if ( defined( $args{command} ) ) {
$self->{command} = $args{command};
if ( defined( $args{pct} ) ){
if ( defined( $args{pct} ) ) {
$self->{pct} = $args{pct};
if ( defined( $args{wchan} ) ){
if ( defined( $args{wchan} ) ) {
$self->{wchan} = $args{wchan};
if ( defined( $args{command_long} ) ){
if ( defined( $args{command_long} ) ) {
$self->{command_long} = $args{command_long};
if ( defined( $args{no_pid_user} ) ){
if ( defined( $args{no_pid_user} ) ) {
$self->{no_pid_user} = $args{no_pid_user};
return $self;
@ -166,95 +169,117 @@ This runs it and returns a string.
sub run{
my $self=$_[0];
my @objects = &lsof_to_nc_objects;
sub run {
my $self = $_[0];
my @objects;
# if ( $^O !~ /freebsd/ ) {
@objects = &lsof_to_nc_objects;
# }
# else {
# @objects = &sockstat_to_nc_objects;
# }
my @found;
if (defined( $self->{match} )){
foreach my $conn (@objects){
if( $self->{match}->match( $conn ) ){
if ( defined( $self->{match} ) ) {
foreach my $conn (@objects) {
if ( $self->{match}->match($conn) ) {
push( @found, $conn );
else {
@found = @objects;
@found=$self->{sorter}->sorter( \@found );
@found = $self->{sorter}->sorter( \@found );
my $tb = Text::ANSITable->new;
$tb->border_style('Default::none_ascii'); # if not, a nice default is picked
$tb->color_theme('Default::no_color'); # if not, a nice default is picked
my @headers;
my $header_int=0;
my $header_int = 0;
push( @headers, 'Proto' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 0); $header_int++;
if (! $self->{no_pid_user} ){
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => 0 );
if ( !$self->{no_pid_user} ) {
push( @headers, 'User' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 1); $header_int++;
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => 1 );
push( @headers, 'PID' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 0); $header_int++;
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => 0 );
push( @headers, 'Local Host' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 1, formats=>[[wrap => {ansi=>1, mb=>1}]]); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'Port' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 0); $header_int++;
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => 1, formats => [ [ wrap => { ansi => 1, mb => 1 } ] ] );
push( @headers, 'L Port' );
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => 0 );
push( @headers, 'Remote Host' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 1, formats=>[[wrap => {ansi=>1, mb=>1}]]); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'Prt' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 0); $header_int++;
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => 1, formats => [ [ wrap => { ansi => 1, mb => 1 } ] ] );
push( @headers, 'R Port' );
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => 0 );
push( @headers, 'State' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 1); $header_int++;
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => 1 );
my $padding=0;
if ( $self->{wchan} ){
if (( $header_int % 2 ) != 0){
my $padding = 0;
if ( $self->{wchan} ) {
if ( ( $header_int % 2 ) != 0 ) {
$padding = 1;
push( @headers, 'WChan' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => $padding); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'WChan' );
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => $padding );
if ( $self->{pct} ){
if (( $header_int % 2 ) != 0){
if ( $self->{pct} ) {
if ( ( $header_int % 2 ) != 0 ) {
$padding = 1;
push( @headers, 'CPU%' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => $padding); $header_int++;
if (( $header_int % 2 ) != 0){
else {
$padding = 0;
push( @headers, 'Mem%' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => $padding); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'CPU%' );
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => $padding );
if ( ( $header_int % 2 ) != 0 ) {
$padding = 1;
else {
$padding = 0;
push( @headers, 'Mem%' );
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => $padding );
if ( $self->{command} ){
if (( $header_int % 2 ) != 0){
if ( $self->{command} ) {
if ( ( $header_int % 2 ) != 0 ) {
$padding = 1;
push( @headers, 'Command' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => $padding, formats=>[[wrap => {ansi=>1, mb=>1}]]); $header_int++;
else {
$padding = 0;
push( @headers, 'Command' );
$tb->set_column_style( $header_int, pad => $padding, formats => [ [ wrap => { ansi => 1, mb => 1 } ] ] );
$tb->set_column_style(4, pad => 0);
$tb->set_column_style(5, pad => 1, formats=>[[wrap => {ansi=>1, mb=>1}]]);
$tb->set_column_style(6, pad => 0);
$tb->set_column_style(7, pad => 1);
$tb->set_column_style(8, pad => 0);
$tb->set_column_style(9, pad => 1);
$tb->set_column_style(10, pad => 0);
$tb->set_column_style(11, pad => 1, formats=>[[wrap => {ansi=>1, mb=>1}]]);
$tb->set_column_style(12, pad => 0);
$tb->set_column_style(13, pad => 1 );
$tb->set_column_style( 4, pad => 0 );
$tb->set_column_style( 5, pad => 1, formats => [ [ wrap => { ansi => 1, mb => 1 } ] ] );
$tb->set_column_style( 6, pad => 0 );
$tb->set_column_style( 7, pad => 1 );
$tb->set_column_style( 8, pad => 0 );
$tb->set_column_style( 9, pad => 1 );
$tb->set_column_style( 10, pad => 0 );
$tb->set_column_style( 11, pad => 1, formats => [ [ wrap => { ansi => 1, mb => 1 } ] ] );
$tb->set_column_style( 12, pad => 0 );
$tb->set_column_style( 13, pad => 1 );
$tb->columns( \@headers );
@ -262,159 +287,167 @@ sub run{
my $ppt;
my $proctable;
my %cmd_cache;
if ( $self->{command} ){
if ( $self->{command} ) {
$ppt = Proc::ProcessTable->new;
$proctable = $ppt->table;
my @td;
foreach my $conn ( @found ){
my @new_line=(
foreach my $conn (@found) {
my @new_line = ( color('bright_yellow') . $conn->proto . color('reset'), );
# don't add the PID or user if requested to
if ( ! $self->{no_pid_user} ){
if ( !$self->{no_pid_user} ) {
# handle adding the username or UID if we have one
if ( defined( $conn->username ) ){
push( @new_line, color('bright_cyan').$conn->username.color('reset'));
if ( defined( $conn->uid ) ){
push( @new_line, color('bright_cyan').$conn->uid.color('reset'));
push( @new_line, '');
if ( defined( $conn->username ) ) {
push( @new_line, color('bright_cyan') . $conn->username . color('reset') );
else {
if ( defined( $conn->uid ) ) {
push( @new_line, color('bright_cyan') . $conn->uid . color('reset') );
else {
push( @new_line, '' );
# handle adding the PID if we have one
if ( defined( $conn->pid ) ){
push( @new_line, color('bright_red').$conn->pid.color('reset'));
if ( defined( $conn->pid ) ) {
push( @new_line, color('bright_red') . $conn->pid . color('reset') );
push( @new_line, '');
else {
push( @new_line, '' );
# Figure out what we are using for the local host
my $local;
if ( defined( $conn->local_ptr ) && $self->{ptr} ){
if ( defined( $conn->local_ptr ) && $self->{ptr} ) {
$local = $conn->local_ptr;
else {
$local = $conn->local_host;
# Figure out what we are using for the foriegn host
my $foreign;
if ( defined( $conn->foreign_ptr ) && $self->{ptr} ){
if ( defined( $conn->foreign_ptr ) && $self->{ptr} ) {
$foreign = $conn->foreign_ptr;
else {
$foreign = $conn->foreign_host;
# Figure out what we are using for the local port
my $lport;
if ( defined( $conn->local_port_name ) ){
if ( defined( $conn->local_port_name ) ) {
$lport = $conn->local_port_name;
else {
$lport = $conn->local_port;
# Figure out what we are using for the foreign port
my $fport;
if ( defined( $conn->foreign_port_name ) ){
if ( defined( $conn->foreign_port_name ) ) {
$fport = $conn->foreign_port_name;
else {
$fport = $conn->foreign_port;
push( @new_line,
color('bright_green') . $local . color('reset'),
color('green') . $lport . color('reset'),
color('bright_magenta') . $foreign . color('reset'),
color('magenta') . $fport . color('reset'),
color('bright_blue') . $conn->state . color('reset'),
# handle the wchan bit if needed
if (
$self->{wchan} &&
defined( $conn->wchan )
push( @new_line, color('bright_yellow').$conn->wchan.color('reset') );
if ( $self->{wchan}
&& defined( $conn->wchan ) )
push( @new_line, color('bright_yellow') . $conn->wchan . color('reset') );
# handle the percent stuff if needed
if (
$self->{pct} &&
defined( $conn->pctcpu )
push( @new_line, color('bright_cyan').sprintf('%.2f',$conn->pctcpu).color('reset') );
if ( $self->{pct}
&& defined( $conn->pctcpu ) )
push( @new_line, color('bright_cyan') . sprintf( '%.2f', $conn->pctcpu ) . color('reset') );
# handle the percent stuff if needed
if (
$self->{pct} &&
defined( $conn->pctmem )
push( @new_line, color('bright_green').sprintf('%.2f', $conn->pctmem).color('reset') );
if ( $self->{pct}
&& defined( $conn->pctmem ) )
push( @new_line, color('bright_green') . sprintf( '%.2f', $conn->pctmem ) . color('reset') );
# handle the command portion if needed
if (
defined( $conn->pid ) &&
if ( defined( $conn->pid )
&& $self->{command} )
my $loop=1;
my $proc=0;
while (
defined( $proctable->[ $proc ] ) &&
my $loop = 1;
my $proc = 0;
while ( defined( $proctable->[$proc] )
&& $loop )
my $command;
if (defined( $cmd_cache{$conn->pid} ) ){
push( @new_line, color('bright_red').$cmd_cache{$conn->pid}.color('reset') );
defined( $conn->proc )
my $command=$conn->proc;
if ( ! $self->{command_long} ){
$command=~s/\ .*//;
if ( defined( $cmd_cache{ $conn->pid } ) ) {
push( @new_line, color('bright_red') . $cmd_cache{ $conn->pid } . color('reset') );
$loop = 0;
elsif ( defined( $conn->proc ) ) {
my $command = $conn->proc;
if ( !$self->{command_long} ) {
$command =~ s/\ .*//;
push( @new_line, color('bright_red').$cmd_cache{$conn->pid}.color('reset') );
}elsif( $proctable->[ $proc ]->pid eq $conn->pid ){
if ( $proctable->[ $proc ]->{'cmndline'} =~ /^$/ ){
$cmd_cache{ $conn->pid } = $command;
push( @new_line, color('bright_red') . $cmd_cache{ $conn->pid } . color('reset') );
$loop = 0,;
elsif ( $proctable->[$proc]->pid eq $conn->pid ) {
if ( $proctable->[$proc]->{'cmndline'} =~ /^$/ ) {
#kernel process
$cmd_cache{$conn->pid}=color('bright_red').'['.$proctable->[ $proc ]->{'fname'}.']'.color('reset');
}elsif( $self->{command_long} ){
$cmd_cache{$conn->pid}=color('bright_red').$proctable->[ $proc ]->{'cmndline'}.color('reset');
}elsif( $proctable->[ $proc ]->{'cmndline'} =~ /^\//){
$cmd_cache{ $conn->pid }
= color('bright_red') . '[' . $proctable->[$proc]->{'fname'} . ']' . color('reset');
elsif ( $self->{command_long} ) {
$cmd_cache{ $conn->pid }
= color('bright_red') . $proctable->[$proc]->{'cmndline'} . color('reset');
elsif ( $proctable->[$proc]->{'cmndline'} =~ /^\// ) {
# something ran with a complete path
$cmd_cache{$conn->pid}=color('bright_red').$proctable->[ $proc ]->{'fname'}.color('reset');
$cmd_cache{ $conn->pid }
= color('bright_red') . $proctable->[$proc]->{'fname'} . color('reset');
else {
# likely a thread or the like... such as dovecot/auth
# just trunkcat everything after the space
my $cmd=$proctable->[ $proc ]->{'cmndline'};
$cmd=~s/\ +.*//g;
my $cmd = $proctable->[$proc]->{'cmndline'};
$cmd =~ s/\ +.*//g;
$cmd_cache{ $conn->pid } = color('bright_red') . $cmd . color('reset');
push( @new_line, $cmd_cache{$conn->pid} );
push( @new_line, $cmd_cache{ $conn->pid } );
$loop = 0;
( !defined( $conn->pid ) ) &&
push( @new_line, '');
elsif ( ( !defined( $conn->pid ) )
&& $self->{command} )
push( @new_line, '' );
$tb->add_row( \@new_line );
@ -457,14 +490,6 @@ You can also look for information at:
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ BEGIN {
use_ok( 'Net::Connection::ncnetstat' ) || print "Bail out!\n";
my $output_raw=`lsof -i UDP -i TCP -n -l -P`;
my $output_raw=`lsof -i UDP -i TCP -n -l -P 2> /dev/null`;
if (
( $? eq 0 ) ||