
681 lines
14 KiB

package Net::Connection;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::DNS;
=head1 NAME
Net::Connection - Represents a network connection as a object.
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.1.0
our $VERSION = '0.1.0';
use Net::Connection;
#create a hash ref with the desired values
my $args={
'foreign_host' => '',
'local_host' => '',
'foreign_port' => '22',
'local_port' => '11132',
'sendq' => '1',
'recvq' => '0',
'pid' => '34342',
'uid' => '1000',
'state' => 'ESTABLISHED',
'proto' => 'tcp4'
# create the new object using the hash ref
my $conn=Net::Connection->new( $args );
# the same thing, but this time resolve the UID to a username
$conn=Net::Connection->new( $args );
# now with PTR lookup
$conn=Net::Connection->new( $args );
# prints a bit of the connection information...
print "L Host:".$conn->local_host."\n".
"L Port:".$conn->local_host."\n".
"F Host:".$conn->foreign_host."\n".
"F Port:".$conn->foreign_host."\n";
=head1 Methods
=head2 new
This initiates a new connection object.
One argument is taken is taken and it is a hash reference.
The minimum number of arguements is as below.
=head3 keys
=head4 foreign_host
The local host of the connection.
This can either be a IP or hostname. Max utility is achieved via a
IP though as that allows PTR lookup to be done.
If appears to be a hostname, it is copied to local_ptr and even
if asked to resolve PTRs it won't attempt to.
=head4 foreign_port
This is the foreign port of the connection.
For best utility, using numeric here is best.
If ports is true it will attempt to resolve it,
including reverse resolving if it is a port name instead.
If ports is false or not set and this value is
non-numeric, it will be copied to foreign_port_name.
=head4 foreign_port_name
This is the name of foreign port, if one exists in the
service records.
=head4 foreign_ptr
This is the PTR address for foreign_host.
If ptrs is not true and foreign_host appears to be
a hostname, then it is set to the same as foreign_host.
=head4 local_port
This is the local port of the connection.
For best utility, using numeric here is best.
If ports is true it will attempt to resolve it,
including reverse resolving if it is a port name instead.
If ports is false or not set and this value is
non-numeric, it will be copied to local_port_name.
=head4 local_port_name
This is the name of local port, if one exists in the
service records.
=head4 local_ptr
This is the PTR address for local_host.
If ptrs is not true and local_host appears to be
a hostname, then it is set to the same as local_host.
=head4 pid
This is the pid for a connection.
If defined, it needs to be numeric.
=head4 ports
If true, it will attempt to resolve the port names.
=head4 proto
This is the protocol type.
This needs to be defined, but unfortunately no real checking is done
as of currently as various OSes uses varrying capitalizations and slightly
different forms of TCP, TCP4, tcp4, tcpv4, and the like.
=head4 ptrs
If is true, then attempt to look up the PTRs for the hosts.
=head4 recvq
This is the recieve queue size.
If set, it must be numeric.
=head4 sendq
This is the send queue size.
If set, it must be numeric.
=head4 state
This is the current state of the connection.
This needs to be defined, but unfortunately no real checking is
done as of currently as there are minor naming differences between
OSes as well as some including states that are not found in others.
=head4 uid
The UID is the of the user the has the connection open.
This must be numeric.
If uid_resolve is set to true then the UID will be resolved
and stored in username.
If this is not defined, uid_resolve is true, and username is defined
then it will attempt to resolve the UID from the username.
=head4 uid_resolve
If set to true and uid is given, then a attempt will be made to
resolve the UID to a username.
=head4 username
This is the username for a connection.
If uid_resolve is true and uid is defined, then this
will attempt to be automatically contemplated.
If uid_resolve is true and uid is defined, then this
will attempt to be automatically contemplated.
sub new{
my %args;
%args= %{$_[1]};
# make sure we got the required bits
if (
(!defined( $args{'foreign_host'}) ) ||
(!defined( $args{'local_host'}) ) ||
(!defined( $args{'foreign_port'}) ) ||
(!defined( $args{'local_port'}) ) ||
(!defined( $args{'state'}) ) ||
(!defined( $args{'proto'}) )
die "One or more of the required arguments is not defined";
# PID must be numeric if given
if (
defined( $args{'pid'} ) &&
( $args{'pid'} !~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
die '$args{"pid"} is not numeric';
# UID must be numeric if given
if (
defined( $args{'uid'} ) &&
( $args{'uid'} !~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
die '$args{"uid"} is not numeric';
# set the sendq/recvq and make sure they are numeric if given
if (
defined( $args{'sendq'} ) &&
( $args{'sendq'} !~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
die '$args{"sendq"} is not numeric';
if (
defined( $args{'recvq'} ) &&
( $args{'recvq'} !~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
die '$args{"recvq"} is not numeric';
my $self={
'foreign_host' => $args{'foreign_host'},
'local_host' => $args{'local_host'},
'foreign_port' => $args{'foreign_port'},
'foreign_port_name' => $args{'foreign_port_name'},
'local_port' => $args{'local_port'},
'local_port_name' => $args{'local_port_name'},
'sendq' => undef,
'recvq' => undef,
'pid' => undef,
'uid' => undef,
'username' => undef,
'state' => $args{'state'},
'proto' => $args{'proto'},
'local_ptr' => undef,
'foreign_ptr' => undef,
bless $self;
# Set these if defined
if (defined( $args{'sendq'} )){
if (defined( $args{'recvq'} )){
if (defined( $args{'local_ptr'} )){
if (defined( $args{'foreign_ptr'} )){
if (defined( $args{'uid'} )){
if (defined( $args{'pid'} )){
if (defined( $args{'username'} )){
# resolve port names if asked to
if ( $args{ports} ){
# If the port is non-numeric, set the name and attempt to resolve it.
if ( $self->{'local_port'} =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ){
my $service=getservbyname($self->{'local_port_name'}, undef);
if (defined( $service )){
}elsif( $self->{'local_port'} =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ){
$self->{'local_port_name'}=getservbyport( $self->{'local_port'}, 'tcp' );
if ( $self->{'foreign_port'} =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ){
my $service=getservbyname($self->{'foreign_port_name'}, undef);
if (defined( $service )){
}elsif( $self->{'foreign_port'} =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ){
$self->{'foreign_port_name'}=getservbyport( $self->{'foreign_port'}, 'tcp' );
# If the port is non-numeric, set it as the port name
if ( $self->{'local_port'} =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ){
if ( $self->{'foreign_port'} =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ){
my $dns=Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
# resolve PTRs if asked to
if (
defined( $args{ptrs} ) &&
# process foreign_host
if (
( $self->{'foreign_host'} =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ) &&
( $self->{'foreign_host'} !~ /\:/ )
# appears to be a hostname already
# attempt to resolve it
my $answer=$dns->search( $self->{'foreign_host'} );
if ( defined( $answer->{answer}[0] ) &&
( ref( $answer->{answer}[0] ) eq 'Net::DNS::RR::PTR' )
# process local_host
if (
( $self->{'local_host'} =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ) &&
( $self->{'local_host'} !~ /\:/ )
# appears to be a hostname already
# attempt to resolve it
my $answer=$dns->search( $self->{'local_host'} );
if ( defined( $answer->{answer}[0] ) &&
( ref( $answer->{answer}[0] ) eq 'Net::DNS::RR::PTR' )
# We are not doing auto PTR resolving...
# just set them if it appears to be a hostname
if (
( $self->{'foreign_host'} =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ) &&
( $self->{'foreign_host'} !~ /\:/ )
if (
( $self->{'local_host'} =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ) &&
( $self->{'local_host'} !~ /\:/ )
# resolve the UID/username if asked
if (
$args{'uid_resolve'} &&
defined( $self->{'uid'} )
my @pwline=getpwuid( $self->{'uid'} );
if ( defined( $pwline[0] ) ){
}elsif (
$args{'uid_resolve'} &&
( ! defined( $self->{'uid'} ) )
my @pwline=getpwnam( $self->{'username'} );
if ( defined( $pwline[2] ) ){
return $self;
=head2 foreign_host
Returns the foreign host.
my $f_host=$conn->foreign_host;
sub foreign_host{
return $_[0]->{'foreign_host'};
=head2 foreign_port
This returns the foreign port.
my $f_port=$conn->foreign_port;
sub foreign_port{
return $_[0]->{'foreign_port'};
=head2 foreign_port_name
This returns the foreign port name.
This may potentially return undef if one is
not set/unknown.
my $f_port=$conn->foreign_port;
sub foreign_port_name{
return $_[0]->{'foreign_port_name'};
=head2 foreign_ptr
This returns the PTR for the foreign host.
If one was not supplied or if it could not be found
if resolving was enabled then undef will be returned.
my $f_ptr=$conn->foreign_ptr;
sub foreign_ptr{
return $_[0]->{'foreign_ptr'};
=head2 local_host
Returns the local host.
my $l_host=$conn->local_host;
sub local_host{
return $_[0]->{'local_host'};
=head2 local_port
This returns the local port.
my $l_port=$conn->local_port;
sub local_port{
return $_[0]->{'local_port'};
=head2 local_port_name
This returns the local port name.
This may potentially return undef if one is
not set/unknown.
my $l_port=$conn->local_port;
sub local_port_name{
return $_[0]->{'local_port_name'};
=head2 local_ptr
This returns the PTR for the local host.
If one was not supplied or if it could not be found
if resolving was enabled then undef will be returned.
my $l_ptr=$conn->local_ptr;
sub local_ptr{
return $_[0]->{'local_ptr'};
=head2 pid
This returns the pid of a connection.
This may return undef.
my $pid=$conn->pid;
sub pid{
return $_[0]->{'pid'};
=head2 proto
Returns the protocol in use by the connection.
Please note this value with vary slightly between OSes.
my $proto=$conn->proto;
sub proto{
return $_[0]->{'proto'};
=head2 recvq
Returns the size of the recieve queue the connection.
This may return undef.
my $recvq=$conn->recvq;
sub recvq{
return $_[0]->{'recvq'};
=head2 sendq
Returns the size of the send queue the connection.
This may return undef.
my $sendq=$conn->sendq;
sub sendq{
return $_[0]->{'sendq'};
=head2 state
Returns the state the connection is currently in.
Please note this value with vary slightly between OSes.
my $state=$conn->state;
sub state{
return $_[0]->{'state'};
=head2 uid
Returns the UID that has the connection.
This may not be if it was not set. Please see new
for more information.
my $uid=$conn->uid;
sub uid{
return $_[0]->{'uid'};
=head2 username
Returns the username that has the connection.
This may not be if it was not set. Please see new
for more information.
my $username=$conn->username;
sub username{
return $_[0]->{'username'};
=head1 AUTHOR
Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, C<< <vvelox at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-net-connection at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::Connection
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
=item * Repository
This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
1; # End of Net::Connection