more misc work on the search function

This commit is contained in:
Zane C. B-H 2019-02-19 08:17:15 -06:00
parent 2092adfdbc
commit fb6a133edd
1 changed files with 146 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use Net::CIDR;
=head1 NAME
Parse::Netstat::Search - Searches the connection list in the hash returned by Parse::Netstat
Parse::Netstat::Search - Searches the connection list in the results returned by Parse::Netstat
=head1 VERSION
@ -132,6 +132,147 @@ sub get_states{
return keys( %{ $self->{states} } );
=head2 search
This runs the search results.
my @found=$search->search( $res );
sub search{
my $self=$_[0];
my $res=$_[1];
if( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
#make sure what ever we are passed is sane and very likely a return from Parse::Netdata
if (
( ref( $res ) ne 'ARRAY' ) ||
( ! defined( $res->[2] ) ) ||
( ! defined( $res->[2]->{active_conns} ) )
$self->{errorString}='$res->[2]->{active_conns} not defiend. Does not appear to be a Parse::Netstat return';
return undef;
# holds the found results
my @found;
# requirements checks, defaulting to not required
my $port_require=0;
my $cidr_require=0;
my $protocol_require=0;
my $state_require=0;
# figure out what we need to check for
if (defined( $self->{cidrs}[0] )){
if (defined( (keys(%{ $self->{ports} }))[0] )){
if (defined( (keys(%{ $self->{protocols} }))[0] )){
if (defined( (keys(%{ $self->{states} }))[0] )){
my $res_int=0;
while ( defined( $res->[2]->{active_conns}->[$res_int] ) ){
# ignore unix sockets
if ( $res->[2]->{active_conns}->[$res_int]->{proto} ne 'unix' ){
my $foreign_port=$res->[2]->{active_conns}->[$res_int]->{foreign_port};
my $state=$res->[2]->{active_conns}->[$res_int]->{state};
my $protocol=$res->[2]->{active_conns}->[$res_int]->{proto};
my $local_port=$res->[2]->{active_conns}->[$res_int]->{local_port};
my $local_host=$res->[2]->{active_conns}->[$res_int]->{local_host};
my $foreign_host=$res->[2]->{active_conns}->[$res_int]->{foreign_host};
# checks for making sure a check is meet... defaults to 1
my $port_meet=1;
my $cidr_meet=1;
my $protocol_meet=1;
my $state_meet=1;
# reset the meet checks
if ( $port_require ) {
if ( $cidr_require ) {
if ( $protocol_require ) {
if ( $state_require ) {
# checks the forient port against each CIDR
if (
$cidr_require &&
( Net::CIDR::cidrlookup( $foreign_host, @{ $self->{cidrs} } ) ) ||
( Net::CIDR::cidrlookup( $local_host, @{ $self->{cidrs} } ) )
) {
# handle it if port checking is required
if (
$port_require &&
( defined( $self->{ports}{$foreign_port} ) ) ||
( defined( $self->{ports}{$local_port} ) )
) {
# check protocol to see if it is one that is required
if (
$protocol_require &&
defined( $self->{protocols}{$protocol} )
# check state to see if it is one that is required
if (
$state_require &&
defined( $self->{states}{$state} )
# if these are all good, add them
if (
$port_meet && $protocol_meet && $cidr_meet && $state_meet
push( @found, {
return @found;
=head2 set_cidrs
This sets the list of CIDRs to search for
@ -381,6 +522,10 @@ Validation is done by Net::CIDR::cidrvalidate.
Could not look up the port number for the specified service.
=head2 3 / badResults
The passed array does not appear to be properly formatted.
=head1 AUTHOR
Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, C<< <vvelox at> >>