now basically works... also not using SNMP any more, but snmpget directly

This commit is contained in:
Zane C. B-H 2020-02-03 05:44:38 -06:00
parent 218eaae88a
commit 7265d2a1ad
3 changed files with 138 additions and 133 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -40,4 +40,5 @@ inc/

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@ -5,3 +5,45 @@
#This is free software, licensed under:
# The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cluster::SSH::Helper;
use Getopt::Long;
sub version{
print "cshelper v. 0.1.0\n";
sub help{
print '
-c <file> Config file.
-h <file> Hosts file.
-m <method> Selection to use.
if (!defined( $ARGV[0] )) {
die("Nothing specified to execute");
my $config_file;
my $hosts_file;
my $method;
my $command=join(' ', @ARGV);
# get the commandline options
Getopt::Long::Configure ('no_ignore_case');
Getopt::Long::Configure ('bundling');
my $csh=Cluster::SSH::Helper->new_from_ini( $config_file, $hosts_file );

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@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ Cluster::SSH::Helper - The great new Cluster::SSH::Helper!
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.0.1
Version 0.1.0
our $VERSION = '0.0.1';
our $VERSION = '0.1.0';
@ -31,11 +31,6 @@ Perhaps a little code snippet.
my $csh = Cluster::SSH::Helper->new();
=head1 EXPORT
A list of functions that can be exported. You can delete this section
if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented module.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
@ -44,6 +39,14 @@ Any initially obvious errors in the passed config or hosts config will result in
Tho hash references are required . The first is the general config and the second is the hosts config.
my $csh;
$csh= Cluster::SSH::Helper->new( \%config, %hosts );
if ( $@ ){
die( 'Cluster::SSH::Helper->new failed... '.$@ );
sub new {
@ -52,8 +55,10 @@ sub new {
# make sure we have a config and that it is a hash
if ( defined($config) ) {
if ( ref($config) ne 'HASH' ) {
die('The passed reference for the config is not a hash');
if ( ( ref($config) ne 'HASH' )
&& ( ref($config) ne 'Config::Tiny' ) )
die( 'The passed reference for the config is not a hash... ' . ref($config) );
if ( !defined( $config->{'_'} ) ) {
@ -73,7 +78,7 @@ sub new {
# make sure we have a hosts and that it is a hash
if ( defined($hosts) ) {
if ( ref($hosts) ne 'HASH' ) {
if ( ( ref($hosts) ne 'HASH' ) && ( ref($config) ne 'Config::Tiny' ) ) {
die('The passed reference for the hosts is not a hash');
@ -85,26 +90,6 @@ sub new {
my $self = {
config => $config,
hosts => $hosts,
default => {
'timeout' => '500',
snmp_vars => {
'version' => 'Version',
'community' => 'Community',
'port' => 'RemotePort',
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'username' => 'SecName',
'authpassword' => 'AuthPass',
'authprotocol' => 'AuthProto',
'privpassword' => 'PrivPass',
'privprotocol' => 'PrivProto',
'secname' => 'SecName',
'seclevel' => 'SecLevel',
'secengineid' => 'SecEngineId',
'contextengineid' => 'ContextEngineId',
'context' => 'Context',
'host' => 'DestHost',
bless $self;
@ -115,12 +100,12 @@ sub new {
if ( !defined( $self->{config}{_}{method} ) ) {
$self->{config}{_}{method} = 'load_1m';
if ( !defined( $self->{config}{_}{timeout} ) ) {
$self->{config}{_}{timeout} = '500';
if ( !defined( $self->{config}{_}{ssh} ) ) {
$self->{config}{_}{ssh} = 'ssh';
if ( !defined( $self->{config}{_}{snmp} ) ) {
$self->{config}{_}{snmp} = '-v 2c -c public';
return $self;
@ -130,6 +115,20 @@ sub new {
Initiates the this object from a file contiaining the general config and host confg
from two INI files.
There are two optional arguments. The first one is the path to the config INI and the
second is the path to the hosts INI.
If not specifiedied, xdg_config_home.'/cluster-ssh-helper/config.ini'
and xdg_config_home.'/cluster-ssh-helper/hosts.ini' are used.
my $csh;
$csh= Cluster::SSH::Helper->new_from_ini( $config_path, $hosts_path );
if ( $@ ){
die( 'Cluster::SSH::Helper->new_from_ini failed... '.$@ );
sub new_from_ini {
@ -178,6 +177,12 @@ This is the selector method to use if not using the default.
If set to true, returns the command in question after figuring out what it is.
command=>'uname -a',
sub run {
@ -213,7 +218,7 @@ sub run {
# _ is the root of the ini file... not a section, which are meant to be used as env
if ( $opts->{env} eq '_' ) {
if ( ( defined( $opts->{env} ) && ( $opts->{env} eq '_' ) ) ) {
die('"_" is not a valid name for a enviroment section');
@ -264,10 +269,10 @@ sub run {
# the initial command to use
my $command = $self->{config}{_}{ssh};
if ( defined( $self->{config}{_}{ssh_user} ) ) {
$command =
$command . ' '
. shell_quote( $self->{config}{_}{ssh_user} ) . '@'
. shell_quote($ssh_host);
$command = $command . ' ' . shell_quote( $self->{config}{_}{ssh_user} ) . '@' . shell_quote($ssh_host);
else {
$command = $command . ' ' . $host;
# add the env command if needed
@ -289,6 +294,7 @@ sub run {
return $command;
print $command."\n";
return $?;
@ -309,14 +315,16 @@ sub lowest_load_1n {
# holds a list of the 1 minute laod values for each host
my %host_loads;
use Data::Dumper;
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
my $snmp;
my $load;
# see if we can create it and fetch the OID
eval {
$snmp = $self->snmp_object_create($host);
$load = $snmp->get('');
$snmp = $self->snmp_command($host).'';
$load=~s/.*\:\ //;
my $poll_failed;
@ -325,7 +333,6 @@ sub lowest_load_1n {
$poll_failed = 1;
if ( defined($load) ) {
# if we are here, then polling worked with out issue
$host_loads{$host} = $load;
@ -366,18 +373,22 @@ sub lowest_used_ram_percent {
my $snmp;
my $used;
my $total;
my $used_value;
my $total_value;
my $percent;
# see if we can create it and fetch the OID
eval {
$snmp = $self->snmp_object_create($host);
$used = $snmp->get('');
$total = $snmp->get('');
if ( !defined($used)
|| !defined($total) ) {
# If we did not get either, we cam't proceed
die( 'Failed to get OID . or . for the host' );
$percent = $used / $total;
$snmp = $self->snmp_command($host).'';
$used = $snmp.'';
$total = $snmp.'';
$used_value=~s/.*\:\ //;
$total_value=~s/.*\:\ //;
$percent = $used_value / $total_value;
my $poll_failed;
@ -406,59 +417,44 @@ sub lowest_used_ram_percent {
return $sorted[0];
=head2 snmp_object_create
=head2 snmp_command
This creates the L<SNMP> object.
Generates the full gammand to be used with snmpget minus that OID to fetch.
One argument is required and that is the hostname to create it for.
One argument is taken and that is the host to generate it for.
If this errors, it will die.
As long as the host exists, this command will work.
my $session;
my $session=$csh->snmp_object_create( $hostname );
if ($@){
die("Failed to create a session... ".$hostname);
my $cmd;
sub snmp_object_create {
sub snmp_command{
my $self = $_[0];
my $host = $_[1];
if ( !defined( $host )
|| !defined( $self->{ hosts }{ $host } ) )
die( 'No host defined or host does not exist' );
if (!defined($host)) {
die('No host defined');
my @snmp_vars = keys( %{ $self->{ snmp_vars } } );
# initialize the args and set the hostname
my %args = ( 'DestHost' => $host );
# go through the possible SNMP args looking for defined values and reel them in
foreach my $key ( @snmp_vars ) {
# the Net::SNMP argument name
my $arg_name = $self->{ snmp_vars }{ $key };
# general
if ( defined( $self->{ config }{ $key } ) ) {
$args{ $arg_name } = $self->{ config }{ $key };
if (!defined($self->{hosts}{$host})) {
die('The host "'.$host.'" is not configured');
#host specific over ride of general
if ( defined( $self->{ hosts }{ $host }{ $key } ) ) {
$args{ $arg_name } = $self->{ hosts }{ $host }{ $key };
my $snmp='';
if (defined($self->{config}{_}{snmp})) {
my $session = SNMP::Session->new( %args );
if (defined($self->{hosts}{snmp})) {
return $session;
return 'snmpget -O vU '.$snmp.' '.$host;
@ -497,33 +493,19 @@ If specified, this will be the default user to use for SSH.
If not specified, SSH is invoked with out specifying a user.
=head4 snmp
This is the default options to use with netsnmp. This should be like
'-v 2c -c public' or the like.
If not specified, this defaults to '-v 2c -c public'.
=head4 env
If specified, '/usr/bin/env' will be inserted before the command to be ran.
The name=values pairs for this will be built using the hash key specified by this.
=head4 version
This is the SNMP version to use. '1', '2', or '3' is expected.
If not specified 2 is used.
=head4 community
If version is set to 1 or 2, then this may be used to
specify the SNMP community.
If not specified, 'public' is used.
=head4 port
This is the SNMP port to use. If not specified, 161 is used.
=head4 timeout
This is the SNMP timeout to use in micro seconds . If not specified, it defaults to 500.
=head4 warn_on_poll
Issue a warn() on SNMP timeouts or other polling issues. This won't be a automatic failure. Simply timing out
@ -531,26 +513,6 @@ on SNMP means that host will be skipped and not considered.
This defaults to 1, true.
=head4 username
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP username field to use.
=head4 authpassword
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP authpassword to use.
=head4 authprotocol
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP authprotocol to use.
=head4 privpassword
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP privpassword to use.
=head4 privprotocol
If version is set to 3, this is the SNMP prviprotocol to use.
=head2 HOSTS
This contains the hosts to connect to.