
161 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
=head1 NAME
sneck - a boopable LibreNMS JSON style SNMP extend for remotely running nagios style checks
sneck -u [B<-C> <cache file] [B<-f> <config file>] [B<-p>] [B<-i>]
sneck -c [B<-C> <cache file]
sneck [B<-f> <config file>] [B<-p>] [B<-i>]
For a description of the config file format and output,
please see L<Monitoring::Sneck>.
=head1 FLAGS
=head2 -f <config file>
The config file to use.
Defaults to '/usr/local/etc/sneck.conf'.
=head2 -p
Pretty it in a nicely formatted format.
=head2 -C <cache file>
The cache file to use.
Defaults to '/var/cache/sneck.cache'.
=head2 -u
Update the cache file. Will also print the was written to it.
=head2 -c
Print the cache file. Please note that B<-p> or B<-i> won't affect
this as this flag only reads/prints the cache file.
=head2 -i
Includes the config file used.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Slurp;
use JSON;
use Monitoring::Sneck;
sub version {
print "sneck v. 0.0.1\n";
sub help {
print '
-f <config> Config file to use.
Default: /usr/local/etc/sneck.conf
-c Print the cache and exit. Requires -u being used previously.
-C Cache file.
Default: /var/cache/sneck.cache
-u Run and write to cache.
-p Pretty print. Does not affect -c.
-i Include the raw config in the JSON.
-h Print help info.
--help Print help info.
-v Print version info.
--version Print version info.
my $cache_file = '/var/cache/sneck.cache';
my $config_file = '/usr/local/etc/sneck.conf';
my $update;
my $print_cache;
my $fallback;
my $help;
my $version;
my $pretty;
my $include;
'version' => \$version,
'v' => \$version,
'help' => \$help,
'h' => \$help,
'c' => \$print_cache,
'f=s' => \$config_file,
'C=s' => \$cache_file,
'p' => \$pretty,
'u' => \$update,
'i' => \$include,
# print version or help if requested
if ($help) {
exit 42;
if ($version) {
exit 42;
# prints the cache and exit if requested
if ($print_cache) {
if ( !-f $cache_file || !-r $cache_file ) {
my $error = 'Cache file does not exist or is not readable "' . $cache_file . '"';
my $possible_error
= { error => 1, version => 1, errorString => $error, data => { alert => 1, alertString => $error } };
print encode_json($possible_error) . "\n";
exit 3;
my $cache = read_file($cache_file);
print $cache;
my $sneck = Monitoring::Sneck->new( { config => $config_file, include=>$include } );
my $returned = $sneck->run;
# encode it and print it
my $json = JSON->new->utf8->canonical(1);
if ($pretty) {
my $raw_json = $json->encode($returned);
# non-pretty does not include a new line, so add it
if ( !$pretty ) {
$raw_json = $raw_json . "\n";
print $raw_json;
if ($update) {
my $fh;
open( $fh, '>', $cache_file );
print $fh $raw_json;