#!perl -T use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Net::Connection; BEGIN { use_ok( 'Net::Connection::Match::Protos' ) || print "Bail out!\n"; } my $connection_args={ foreign_host=>'', foreign_port=>'22', local_host=>'', local_port=>'12322', proto=>'tcp4', state=>'LISTEN', }; my %args=( protos=>[ 'tcp4', ], ); my $checker; # makes sure we error with empty args my $worked=0; eval{ $checker=Net::Connection::Match::Protos->new(); $worked=1; }; ok( $worked eq '0', 'empty init check') or diag('Calling new with empty args worked'); # makes sure we can init with good args $worked=0; eval{ $checker=Net::Connection::Match::Protos->new( \%args ); $worked=1; }; ok( $worked eq '1', 'init check') or diag('Calling Net::Connection::Match::Protos->new resulted in... '.$@); # make sure it will not accept null input my $returned=1; eval{ $returned=$checker->match; }; ok( $returned eq '0', 'proto undef check') or diag('match accepted undefined input'); # make sure it will not accept a improper ref type $returned=1; eval{ $returned=$checker->match($checker); }; ok( $returned eq '0', 'match improper ref check') or diag('match accepted a ref other than Net::Connection'); # Create a connection with a matching protocol and see if it matches my $conn=Net::Connection->new( $connection_args ); $returned=0; eval{ $returned=$checker->match( $conn ); }; ok( $returned eq '1', 'proto match check') or diag('Failed to match a matching good protocol'); # Create a connection with a non-matching protocol and make sure it does not match $connection_args->{proto}='udp4'; $conn=Net::Connection->new( $connection_args ); $returned=1; eval{ $returned=$checker->match( $conn ); }; ok( $returned eq '0', 'proto non-match check') or diag('Matched a protocol that it should not of'); done_testing(7);