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13 Commits

4 changed files with 143 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
Revision history for Net-Connection-lsof
0.3.0 2023-06-01/13:15
- Redirect stderr to dev null to prevent pointless warning about kern diffferences from lsof.
0.2.0 2019-08-16/16:40
- WChan support added to Linux.
0.1.1 2019-08-13/06:00
- Only call sysctl on BSD.
0.1.0 2019-08-12/05:45
- Add support for process information.
0.0.3 2019-08-09/07:30
- Add a work around for on some Linux systems
where lsof will exit 1 upon successful completion,
such as Debian 9.
0.0.2 2019-07-28/21:45
- Properly set uid_resolve.
- Actually remove ) from state now.
- Properly set if it is 4 or 6 on the protocol.
0.0.1 2019-07-28/21:10
- Some versions of lsof shipped with some linux
distros don't support +c so don't use that option.

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@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
'Test::More' => '0',
'Net::Connection' => '0.0.0',
'Net::Connection' => '0.2.0',
'Proc::ProcessTable' => '0.59',
dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
clean => { FILES => 'Net-Connection-lsof-*' },

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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
package Net::Connection::lsof;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Connection;
use Proc::ProcessTable;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
@ -15,11 +17,11 @@ Net::Connection::lsof - This uses lsof to generate a array of Net::Connection ob
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.0.1
Version 0.3.0
our $VERSION = '0.0.1';
our $VERSION = '0.3.0';
@ -66,6 +68,12 @@ Defaults to 1.
Attempt to resolve the UID to a username.
Defaults to 1.
=head4 proc_info
Add assorted process information to the objects.
Defaults to 1.
my @objects;
@ -88,15 +96,43 @@ sub lsof_to_nc_objects{
if ( !defined( $func_args{uid_resolve} ) ){
if ( !defined( $func_args{proc_info} ) ){
my $output_raw=`lsof -i UDP -i TCP -n -l -P`;
if ( $? ne 0 ){
die('"lsof -i UDP -i TCP -n -l -P" exited with a non-zero value');
my $output_raw=`lsof -i UDP -i TCP -n -l -P 2> /dev/null`;
if (
( $? ne 0 ) &&
( $^O =~ /linux/ ) &&
( $? ne 256 )
die('"lsof -i UDP -i TCP -n -l -P" exited with a non-zero value or in the case of some linux distros a non-1 value');
my @output_lines=split(/\n/, $output_raw);
my @nc_objects;
# process info caches
my %pid_proc;
my %pid_pctmem;
my %pid_pctcpu;
my %pid_wchan;
my %pid_start;
my $proc_table;
my $physmem;
if ( $func_args{proc_info} ){
my $pt=Proc::ProcessTable->new;
if ( $^O =~ /bsd/ ){
$physmem=`/sbin/sysctl -a hw.physmem`;
chomp( $physmem );
$physmem=~s/^.*\: //;
my $line_int=1;
while ( defined( $output_lines[$line_int] ) ){
my $command=substr $output_lines[$line_int], 0, 9;
@ -111,9 +147,10 @@ sub lsof_to_nc_objects{
my $type=$line_split[2];
my $type=$line_split[3];
my $mode=$line_split[6];
my $name=$line_split[7];
@ -122,7 +159,7 @@ sub lsof_to_nc_objects{
if ( $type =~ /6/ ){
}elsif( $type =~ /4/ ){
if ( $mode =~ /[Uu][Dd][Pp]/ ){
@ -165,7 +202,73 @@ sub lsof_to_nc_objects{
if ( defined( $line_split[8] ) ){
# put together process info if requested
if ( $func_args{proc_info} ){
if ( defined( $pid_proc{ $args->{pid} } ) ){
$args->{proc}=$pid_proc{ $args->{pid} };
$args->{wchan}=$pid_wchan{ $args->{pid} };
$args->{pctmem}=$pid_pctmem{ $args->{pid} };
$args->{pctcpu}=$pid_pctcpu{ $args->{pid} };
$args->{pid_start}=$pid_start{ $args->{pid} };
my $loop=1;
my $proc_int=0;
defined( $proc_table->[ $proc_int ] ) &&
# matched
if ( $proc_table->[ $proc_int ]->{pid} eq $args->{pid} ){
# exit the loop
$loop = 0;
# fetch and save the proc info
if ( $proc_table->[ $proc_int ]->cmndline =~ /^$/ ){
# kernel proc
$args->{proc}='['.$proc_table->[ $proc_int ]->{fname}.']';
# non-kernel proc
$args->{proc}=$proc_table->[ $proc_int ]->{cmndline};
$pid_proc{ $args->{pid} }=$args->{proc};
# linux has shit wchan reporting and apparently if you want more than
# the address you need to use the ass backwards /proc
if ( $^O =~ /linux/ ){
if ( -e '/proc/'.$args->{pid}.'/wchan'){
open( my $wchan_fh, '<', '/proc/'.$args->{pid}.'/wchan' );
$args->{wchan}=readline( $wchan_fh );
close( $wchan_fh );
$pid_wchan{ $args->{pid} }=$args->{wchan};
$args->{wchan}=$proc_table->[ $proc_int ]->{wchan};
$pid_wchan{ $args->{pid} }=$args->{wchan};
$args->{pid_start}=$proc_table->[ $proc_int ]->{pid_start};
$pid_start{ $args->{pid} }=$args->{pid_start};
$args->{pctcpu}=$proc_table->[ $proc_int ]->{pctcpu};
$pid_pctcpu{ $args->{pid} }=$args->{pctcpu};
if ($^O =~ /bsd/){
$args->{pctmem}= (( $proc_table->[ $proc_int ]->{rssize} * 1024 * 4 ) / $physmem) * 100;
$args->{pctmem}=$proc_table->[ $proc_int ]->{pctmem};
$pid_pctmem{ $args->{pid} }=$args->{pctmem};
push( @nc_objects, Net::Connection->new( $args ) );
@ -204,14 +307,6 @@ You can also look for information at:
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN

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@ -11,8 +11,14 @@ BEGIN {
my $output_raw=`lsof -i UDP -i TCP -n -l -P`;
if ( $? eq 0 ){
my $output_raw=`lsof -i UDP -i TCP -n -l -P 2> /dev/null`;
if (
( $? eq 0 ) ||
( $^O =~ /linux/ ) &&
( $? eq 256 )
my $worked=0;