
1216 lines
22 KiB

package Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI;
use warnings;
use strict;
use base 'Error::Helper';
use String::ShellQuote;
=head1 NAME
Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI - Provides a interface to wpa_cli.
=head1 VERSION
Version 2.1.0
our $VERSION = '2.1.0';
use Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI;
my $foo = Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI->new();
=head2 new
This initializes the object to be used for making use of wpa_cli.
my $foo->Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI->new();
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub new {
my $socket=$_[1];
my $self = {
bless $self;
if( defined( $socket ) ){
$self->{socket}='-p '.shell_quote($socket);
#tests if it is usable.
my $command='wpa_cli '.$self->{socket}.' status';
my $status=`$command`;
if (!$? == 0){
$self->{errorString}='"'.$command.'" failed with "'.$status.'"';
return $self;
my %statusH=status_breakdown($status);
if ($self->error){
return $self;
return $self;
=head2 add_network
This adds a network.
No arguments are taken.
The returned value is a the new network ID.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub add_network{
my ($self)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
my $returned=$self->run_command('add_network');
#this means there was a error running wpa_cli
return undef;
#this means it failed
if ($returned =~ /.*\nFAIL\n/){
$self->{errorString}='The commaned outputed a status of FAIL, but exited zero';
return undef;
#remove the first line.
return $returned;
=head2 bss
This requests additional information about a AP found in
A single argument is required and it is the BSSID.
The returned value is a hash.
=head3 returned hash
=head4 bssid
This is the BSSID in for the base station ID.
=head4 freq
This is the frequency in Mhz.
=head4 beacon_int
This is the beacon interval.
=head4 capabilities
This is the AP capabilities.
=head4 qual
This is the signal quality.
=head4 noise
This is the signal noise level.
=head4 level
This is the RSSI.
=head4 tsf
This is the timing syncronization function.
=head4 ie
This is what ever the ie value is.
=head4 flags
This is the flags for the AP.
=head4 ssid
This is the SSID for the for AP in question.
my %status=$foo->bss($bssid);
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub bss{
my ($self, $bssid)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
if(! defined( $bssid ) ){
$self->{errorString}='No BSSID specified';
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
my $macregexp='^[0123456789abcdef][0123456789abcdef]'.
if ($bssid !~ /$macregexp/){
$self->{errorString}='"'.$bssid.'" does not appear to be a valid BSSID';
return undef;
my $command='wpa_cli '.$self->{socket}.' bss '.$bssid;
my $status=`$command`;
if (!$? == 0){
$self->{errorString}='"'.$command.'" failed with "'.$status.'"';
return undef;
#this means it failed
if ($status =~ /.*\nFAIL\n/){
$self->{errorString}='The commaned outputed a status of FAIL, but exited zero';
return undef;
my %statusH=status_breakdown($status);
if ($self->error){
$self->warnString('status_breakdown failed');
return undef;
return %statusH;
=head2 disconnect
Disconnect and wait for a reassosiate command.
No arguments are taken.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub disconnect{
my ($self, $bssid)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('disconnect'. 0);
=head2 disable_network
This disables a network ID.
One argument is required and that is the network ID in question.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub disable_network{
my ($self, $nid)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
if ($nid !~ /^[0123456789]*$/){
$self->{errorString}='non-numeric network ID used';
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('disable_network '.$nid, 0);
=head2 enable_network
This enables a network ID.
One argument is required and that is the network ID to enable.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub enable_network{
my ($self, $nid)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
if ($nid !~ /^[0123456789]*$/){
$self->{errorString}='non-numeric network ID used';
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('enable_network '.$nid, 0);
=head2 get_capability
This returns the capabilities for the requested item. The capabilities
that can be requested are as below.
No arguments are taken.
my @capabilities=$foo->get_capability('eap');
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub get_capability{
my ($self, $request)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
if(!defined( $request )){
$self->{errorString}='No request specified';
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
if(!defined( $self->{capabilities}{$request} )){
$self->{errorString}='"'.$request.'" is not a valid capabilities request item';
return undef;
my $returned=$self->run_command('get_capability '.$request);
#this means there was a error running wpa_cli
return undef;
#this means it failed
if ($returned =~ /.*\nFAIL\n/){
$self->{errorString}='The commaned outputed a status of FAIL, but exited zero';
return undef;
my @capabilities;
my @returnedA=split(/\n/, $returned);
@capabilities=split(/ /, $returnedA[1]);
return @capabilities;
=head2 get_network
This gets a variable for for a specific network ID.
Two arguments are taken and that is the network ID and variable.
$value=$foo->get_network($networkID, $variable);
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub get_network{
my ($self, $nid, $variable)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
if ($nid !~ /^[0123456789]*$/){
$self->{errorString}='non-numeric network ID used';
return undef;
my $returned=$self->run_command('get_network '.$nid.' '.$variable);
#this means there was a error running wpa_cli
return undef;
#this means it failed
if ($returned =~ /.*\nFAIL\n/){
return undef;
#remove the first line.
return $returned;
=head2 list_networks
This lists the configured networks.
No arguments are taken.
The returned value is a hash.
=head3 returned hash.
The keys for the hash is the numeric network ID. Each
item in the hash is a hash. The keys are listed below.
=head4 ssid
This is the SSID of the network in question.
=head4 bssid
This is the BSSID of the network in question. If not specified,
it will be set to 'any'.
=head4 flags
This is the flags for the network. This key may not be defined.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub list_networks{
my ($self)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
my $returned=$self->run_command('list_networks');
#this means there was a error running wpa_cli
return undef;
#this means it failed
if ($returned =~ /.*\nFAIL\n/){
$self->{errorString}='The commaned outputed a status of FAIL, but exited zero';
return undef;
my @returnedA=split(/\n/, $returned);
#this will be returned
my %hash=();
my $returnedAint=2;
my @linesplit=split(/\t/, $returnedA[$returnedAint]);
my $nid=$linesplit[0];
if(defined( $linesplit[3] )){
return %hash;
=head2 new_password
This sets a new password for a network.
Two arguments are taken. The first is the network ID and
the second is the new password.
$return=$foo->new_password($networkID, $newpass);
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub new_password{
my ($self, $nid, $value)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
if ($nid !~ /^[0123456789]*$/){
$self->{errorString}='non-numeric network ID used';
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('new_password '.$nid.' '.$value, 0);
=head2 pin
This sets the pin for a network.
Two arguments are taken. The first is the network ID and the second is the pin.
$foo->pin($networkID, $newpin);
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub pin{
my ($self, $nid, $value)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
if ($nid !~ /^[0123456789]*$/){
$self->{errorString}='non-numeric network ID used';
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('pin '.$nid.' '.$value, 0);
=head2 preauthenticate
Force preauthentication for a BSSID.
One argument is accepted and the is the BSSID in question.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub preauthenticate{
my ($self, $bssid)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('preauthenticate '.$bssid, 0);
=head2 reassociate
This saves the current configuration. The user requesting this
does not need write permissions to file being used
It takes no arguments.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub reassociate{
my ($self)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('reassociate', 0);
=head2 reconfigure
This causes wpa_supplicant to reread it's configuration file.
No arguments are taken.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub reconfigure{
my ($self)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('reconfigure', 0);
=head2 remove_network
This removes the specified network.
One argument is accepted and it the network ID.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub remove_network{
my ($self, $nid)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
if ($nid !~ /^[0123456789]*$/){
$self->{errorString}='non-numeric network ID used';
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('remove_network '.$nid, 0);
=head2 save_config
This saves the current configuration. The user requesting this
does not need write permissions to file being used
No arguments are taken.
my $returned=$foo->save_config;
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub save_config{
my ($self)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('save_config');
=head2 scan
This requests a new BSS scan.
No arguments are taken.
my $returned=$foo->scan;
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub scan{
my ($self)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('scan');
=head2 scan_results
This returns the scan results.
No arguments are taken.
The returned value is a hash.
=head3 returned hash
Each keys of the hash is a BSSID. It's value is another hash
with the keys listed below.
=head4 ssid
This is the SSID for the AP.
=head4 frequency
This is the frequency of the AP. The value is in Mhz.
=head4 signallevel
This is the signal level of the seen AP.
=head4 flags
This is the flags for the AP.
my %scan=$foo->scan_results;
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
my @keys=keys(%scan);
my $int=0;
while( defined( $keys[$int] ) ){
print $keys[$int].', '.$scan{$keys[$int]}{ssid}.', '.
$scan{$keys[$int]}{frequency}.', '
.$scan{$keys[$int]}{signal}.', '
sub scan_results{
my ($self)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
my $returned=$self->run_command('scan_results');
#this means there was a error running wpa_cli
return undef;
#this means it failed
if ($returned =~ /.*\nFAIL\n/){
$self->{errorString}='The commaned outputed a status of FAIL, but exited zero';
return undef;
my @returnedA=split(/\n/, $returned);
#this will be returned
my %hash=();
my $returnedAint=2;
my @linesplit=split(/\t/, $returnedA[$returnedAint]);
my $bssid=$linesplit[0];
return %hash;
=head2 select_network
This is the network ID to select, while disabling the others.
One argument is accepted and it is the network ID to select.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub select_network{
my ($self, $nid)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
if ($nid !~ /^[0123456789]*$/){
$self->{errorString}='non-numeric network ID used';
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('select_network '.$nid, 0);
=head2 set_network
This sets a variable for for a specific network ID.
Three arguments are taken. The first is the network ID,
the second is the variable to set, and the third is the
value to set it to.
$foo->set_network($networkID, $variable, $value);
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub set_network{
my ($self, $nid, $variable, $value)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
#return if the netword ID is not numeric.
if ($nid !~ /^[0123456789]*$/){
$self->{errorString}='non-numeric network ID used';
return undef;
return $self->run_TF_command('set_network '.$nid.' '.$variable.' '.$value, 0);
=head2 status
This function gets the current status from wpa_cli.
No arguments are taken.
my %status=$foo->status;
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub status{
my ($self)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
my $command='wpa_cli '.$self->{socket}.' status';
my $status=`$command`;
if (!$? == 0){
$self->{errorString}='"'.$command.'" failed with "'.$status.'"';
return undef;
if ($status =~ /.*\nFAIL\n/){
$self->{errorString}='The commaned outputed a status of FAIL, but exited zero';
return undef;
my %statusH=status_breakdown($status);
if ($self->error){
$self->warnString('status_breakdown failed');
return undef;
return %statusH;
=head2 mib
This gets the MIB variables (dot1x, dot11).
if( $foo->error ){
warn('error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub mib{
my ($self)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
my $returned=$self->run_command('mib');
return undef;
#this means it failed
if ($returned =~ /.*\nFAIL\n/){
$self->{errorString}='The commaned outputed a status of FAIL, but exited zero';
return undef;
my %hash=status_breakdown($returned, 'mib');
return %hash;
=head2 run_TF_command
This runs a arbirary command in which the expected values are
either 'FAIL' or 'OK'. This function is largely intended for internal
use by this module.
It takes two argument. The first is string containing the command and any
arguments for it. The second is what to return on a unknown return.
A status of 'FAIL' will also set a error of 5.
A unknown status will also set a error of 6.
$returned=$foo->run_TF_command($command, 0);
if( $foo->error ){
warn('error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub run_TF_command{
my ($self, $command, $onend)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
my $torun='wpa_cli '.$self->{socket}.' '.$command;
my $status=`$torun`;
if (!$? == 0){
$self->{errorString}="wpa_cli failed with '".$status."'"."for '".$command."'";
return undef;
#return 0 upon failure
if ($status =~ /.*\nFAIL\n/){
$self->{errorString}='The commaned outputed a status of FAIL, but exited zero';
return 0;
#return 1 upon success
if ($status =~ /.*\nOK\n/){
return 1;
#unknwon so set error 6
$self->{errorString}='Unknown return of "'.$status.'"';
return $onend;
=head2 run_command
This runs a arbirary command in which. This function is largely intended for
internal use by this module.
It takes argument, which is string containing the command and any
arguments for it.
UNDEF is returned upon with running wpa_cli. Otherwise the return is the return
from executed command.
if( $foo->error ){
warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);
sub run_command{
my ($self, $command)= @_;
if(! $self->errorblank){
return undef;
my $torun='wpa_cli '.$self->{socket}.' '.$command;
my $status=`$torun`;
if (!$? == 0){
warn("wpa_cli failed with '".$status."'"."for '".$command."'");
return undef;
return $status;
=head2 status_breakdown
This is a internal function.
#this is a internal function used by this module
#It breaks down that return from status.
sub status_breakdown{
my $statusS=$_[0];
my $type=$_[1];
my %hash;
my @statusA=split(/\n/, $statusS);
if (!defined($type)){
if ( $statusA[0] !~ /^Selected interface/){
return undef;
my @interfaceA=split(/\'/, $statusA[0]);
my $statusAint=1;
my @linesplit=split(/=/, $statusA[$statusAint]);
return %hash;
=head1 NOTES
This makes use of wpa_cli in a non-interactive form. This means that
interface and otp are not usable.
Better documentation and etc shall be coming shortly. Publishing this and starting work
on something that uses it in it's current form.
=head2 1
Unable to to initialize the object. A wpa_cli status check failed.
This error is permanent.
=head2 2
Status breakdown failed because of a unexpected return.
=head2 3
Command failed and exited with a non-zero.
=head2 4
Invalid argument supplies.
=head2 5
The executed command exited with zero, but still failed.
This error code is not warned for.
=head2 6
Unknown return.
=head1 AUTHOR
Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, C<< <vvelox at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-net-wireless-802_11--wpa-cli at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be
notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Copyright 2018 Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
1; # End of Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI