lots of misc work

git-svn-id: svn:// 0c1c3402-1be1-de11-8092-0022686faf23
This commit is contained in:
Zane C. B-H 2017-10-10 08:59:54 +00:00
parent c51a744a65
commit 58a62ae2b0
1 changed files with 251 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ sub new {
bless $self;
return $self;
@ -89,44 +92,6 @@ sub new {
=head2 colorize
=head3 args hash
=head4 columns
A list of columns to print.
=head2 processColor
This is the color to use for the process. This is by default 'WHITE'.
=head2 fields
The fields to show. By default is as below.
=head2 timeColors
These are the colors for seconds, minutes, hour, 10+ hours.
sub colorize{
@ -172,39 +137,162 @@ sub colorize{
push( @colored, @header );
push( @colored, \@header );
#get the process table
my $pt=Proc::ProcessTable->new;
my $procs=$pt->table;
#goes through it all and puts it together
my $PIDint=0;
while( defined( $procs->[$PIDint] ) ){
my @line;
#an array of procs
my @procs;
#goes through it all and gathers the information
foreach my $proc ( @{$pt->table} ){
#process the requested fields
my %values;
while ( defined( $fields->[$fieldInt] ) ){
my $field=$fields->[$fieldInt];
if (
($^O =~ /bsd/) &&
( $field =~ /pctcpu/ )
my $bproc=BSD::Process::info( $proc->pid );
($^O =~ /bsd/) &&
( $field =~ /pctmem/ )
my $rss=$proc->rss;
my $physmem=`/sbin/sysctl -a hw.physmem`;
$physmem=~s/^.* //;
$values{pctmem}=($rss / $physmem)*100;
($^O =~ /bsd/) &&
( $field =~ /vmsize/ )
my $bproc=BSD::Process::info( $proc->pid );
$field =~ /proc/
my $fname=$proc->fname;
my $cmndline=$proc->cmndline;
if ( $cmndline =~ /^$/ ){
if ( $fname eq 'idle' ){
if ( ! defined( $values{pctmem} ) ){
$values{pctmem} = 0;
if ( ! defined( $values{pctcpu} ) ){
$values{pctcpu} = 0;
if ( ! defined( $values{vmsize} ) ){
$values{vmsize} = 0;
$values{pctmem}=sprintf('%.1f', $values{pctmem});
$values{pctcpu}=sprintf('%.1f', $values{pctcpu});
push( @procs, \%values );
#sort by CPU percent and then RAM
@procs=sort {
$a->{pctcpu} <=> $b->{pctcpu} or
$a->{pctmem} <=> $b->{pctmem}
} @procs;
foreach my $proc (@procs){
my @line;
my $show=1;
#checks if it is the idle proc and if it should show it
if (
defined ( $proc->{idle} ) &&
( ! $self->{showIdle} )
$show = 0;
if (
( $show )
foreach my $field ( @{$fields} ){
my $item=$proc->{$field};
if ( $field eq 'start' ){
if (
( $field eq 'uid' ) &&
#colorizes it
if ( $field eq 'time' ){
}elsif( $field eq 'proc' ){
push( @line, $item.color('reset') );
push( @colored, \@line );
my $tb = Text::Table->new;
return $tb->load( \@colored );
return $tb->load( @colored );
=head2 timeString
=head2 startString
Generates a short time string based on the supplied unix time.
sub timeString{
sub startString{
my $self=$_[0];
my $startTime=$_[1];
@ -220,17 +308,17 @@ sub timeString{
#find the most common one and return it
if ( $year ne $cyear ){
return $year.$mon.$mday.'-'/$hour.$min;
return $year.sprintf('%02d', $mon).sprintf('%02d', $mday).'-'/sprintf('%02d', $hour).sprintf('%02d', $min);
if ( $mon ne $cmon ){
return $mon.$mday.'-'.$hour.$min;
return sprintf('%02d', $mon).sprintf('%02d', $mday).'-'.sprintf('%02d', $hour).sprintf('%02d', $min);
if ( $mday ne $cmday ){
return $mday.'-'.$hour.$min;
return sprintf('%02d', $mday).'-'.sprintf('%02d', $hour).sprintf('%02d', $min);
#just return this for anything less
return $hour.':'.$min;
return sprintf('%02d', $hour).':'.sprintf('%02d', $min);
=head2 fields
@ -276,6 +364,49 @@ sub fieldsGet{
return $self->{fields};
=head2 nextColor
Returns the next color.
my $nextColor=$cps->nextColor;
sub nextColor{
my $self=$_[0];
my $color;
if( defined( $self->{colors}[ $self->{nextColor} ] ) ){
$color=$self->{colors}[ $self->{nextColor} ];
$color=$self->{colors}[ $self->{nextColor} ];
return $color;
=head2 nextColor
Resets the next color to the first one.
my $nextColor=$cps->nextColor;
sub nextColorReset{
my $self=$_[0];
return 1;
=head2 fieldsSet
Gets the currently set fields.
@ -293,9 +424,22 @@ sub fieldsSet{
=head2 processColorGet
my $timeColors=$cps->processColorGet;
sub processColorGet{
my $self=$_[0];
return $self->{processColor};
=head2 timeColorsGet
my @timeColors=$cps->timeColorsGet;
my $timeColors=$cps->timeColorsGet;
@ -303,7 +447,60 @@ sub timeColorsGet{
my $self=$_[0];
return $self->{fields};
return $self->{timeColors};
=head2 timeString
Turns the raw run string into something usable.
This returns a colorized item.
my $time=$cps->timeString( $seconds );
sub timeString{
my $self=$_[0];
my $time=$_[1];
my $colors=$self->timeColorsGet;
my $hours = $time / 3600;
my $loSeconds = $time % 3600;
my $minutes = $loSeconds / 60;
my $seconds = $loSeconds % 60;
#nicely format it
#this will be returned
my $toReturn='';
#process the hours bit
if ( $hours == 0 ){
#don't do anything if time is 0
$hours >= 10
#process the minutes bit
if (
( $hours > 0 ) ||
( $minutes > 0 )
$toReturn=$toReturn.color( $colors->[1] ). $minutes.':';
return $toReturn.color( $colors->[0] ). $seconds ;
=head1 COLORS