fix time decoding and implement time search

git-svn-id: svn:// 0c1c3402-1be1-de11-8092-0022686faf23
This commit is contained in:
Zane C. B-H 2017-10-16 09:02:49 +00:00
parent 82e36d1752
commit b8ef193a27
2 changed files with 376 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -31,20 +31,39 @@ $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 1;
#print help
sub main::HELP_MESSAGE {
print "";
print "\n".
"-z Show zombies procs.\n".
"-s Show swapped out procs.\n".
"-p <regex> Search procs using the matching regex.\n".
"-u <users> A comma seperated list of users to search for. A ! inverts the users.\n".
"-w <wait channels> A comma seperated list of wait channel to search for. A ! inverts it.\n";
print "cps v. 0.0.0\n";
#gets the options
my %opts=();
getopts('p:u:', \%opts);
getopts('p:u:zw:st:', \%opts);
use Proc::ProcessTable::Colorizer;
my $cps = Proc::ProcessTable::Colorizer->new;
$cps->procSearchSet( $opts{p} );
$cps->zombieSearchSet( $opts{z} );
$cps->swappedOutSearchSet( $opts{s} );
if ( defined( $opts{u} ) ){
$cps->userSearchSetString( $opts{u} );
if ( defined( $opts{w} ) ){
$cps->waitSearchSetString( $opts{w} );
if ( defined( $opts{t} ) ){
$cps->timeSearchSetString( $opts{t} );
if ($cps->error){
exit $cps->error;
print $cps->colorize;

View File

@ -51,9 +51,7 @@ sub new {
@ -88,7 +86,11 @@ sub new {
bless $self;
return $self;
@ -372,6 +374,132 @@ sub colorize{
#check to see if it needs to search for wait channels
my $wait_search_array=$self->waitSearchGet;
if ( defined( $wait_search_array->[0] ) ){
my $wait_search_int=0;
my $matched=0;
#search while we have a wait channel defined and it has not already been matched
defined( $wait_search_array->[ $wait_search_int ] ) &&
( $matched == 0 )
my $to_match=$wait_search_array->[ $wait_search_int ];
my $to_invert=0;
if ( $to_match=~ /^\!/ ){
#check if it matches
if ( $to_invert ){
if ( $to_match ne $proc->{wchan} ){
if ( $to_match eq $proc->{wchan} ){
#check to see if it needs to search for CPU time usage
my $time_search_array=$self->timeSearchGet;
if ( defined( $time_search_array->[0] ) ){
my $time_search_int=0;
my $matched=0;
#search while we have a CPU time defined and it has not already been matched
defined( $time_search_array->[ $time_search_int ] ) &&
( $matched == 0 )
my $checked=0;
my $to_match=$time_search_array->[ $time_search_int ];
my $time=$proc->{time};
#checks for less than or equal
if (
( $to_match =~ /^\<\=/ ) &&
( $checked == 0 )
$to_match =~ s/^\<\=//;
if ( $time <= $to_match ){
#checks for less than
if (
( $to_match =~ /^\</ ) &&
( $checked == 0 )
$to_match =~ s/^\<//;
if ( $time < $to_match ){
#checks for greater than or equal
if (
( $to_match =~ /^\>=/ ) &&
( $checked == 0 )
$to_match =~ s/^\>\=//;
if ( $time >= $to_match ){
#checks for greater than
if (
( $to_match =~ /^\>/ ) &&
( $checked == 0 )
$to_match =~ s/^\>//;
if ( $time > $to_match ){
#show zombie procs
if ( $self->{zombie_search} ){
if ( $proc->{state} eq 'zombie' ){
#show swapped out procs
if ( $self->{swapped_out_search} ){
if (
( $proc->{state} ne 'zombie' ) &&
( $proc->{rss} == '0' )
if ( $required_hits == $hits ){
@ -779,6 +907,46 @@ sub startString{
return sprintf('%02d', $hour).':'.sprintf('%02d', $min);
=head2 swappedOutSearchGet
Returns the current value for the swapped out search.
The return is a Perl boolean.
my $swappedOut_search=$cps->swappedOutSearchGet;
if ( $swappedOut_search ){
print "only swapped out procs will be shown";
sub swappedOutSearchGet{
my $self=$_[0];
return $self->{swapped_out_search};
=head2 swappedOutSearchSet
Sets the swapped out search value.
The value taken is a Perl boolean.
$cps->swappedOutSearchSet( 1 );
sub swappedOutSearchSet{
my $self=$_[0];
my $swapped_out_search=$_[1];
return 1;
=head2 timeColorsGet
my $timeColors=$cps->timeColorsGet;
@ -792,6 +960,77 @@ sub timeColorsGet{
return $self->{timeColors};
=head2 timeSearchGet
Returns the current value for the time search.
The return is a array ref.
my $time_search=$cps->waitSearchGet;
sub timeSearchGet{
my $self=$_[0];
return $self->{time_search};
=head2 timeSearchSetString
Search for procs based on the CPU time value.
The following equalities are understood.
The string may contain multiple values seperated by a comma. Checking will stop after the first hit.
If the string is undef, all wait channels will be shown.
#search for procs with less than 60 seconds of CPU time
#shows procs with less than 60 seconds and greater 120 seconds
sub timeSearchSetString{
my $self=$_[0];
my $time_search_string=$_[1];
my @time_search_array;
if ( ! defined( $time_search_string ) ){
@time_search_array=split(/\,/, $time_search_string);
foreach my $item ( @time_search_array ){
if (
( $item !~ /^\>[0123456789]*$/ ) &&
( $item !~ /^\>=[0123456789]*$/ ) &&
( $item !~ /^\<[0123456789]*$/ ) &&
( $item !~ /^\<=[0123456789]*$/ )
$self->{errorString}='"'.$item.'"" is not a valid value for use in a time search';
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 timeString
Turns the raw run string into something usable.
@ -809,16 +1048,21 @@ sub timeString{
my $colors=$self->timeColorsGet;
my $hours = $time / 3600;
my $hours=0;
if ( $time >= 3600 ){
$hours = $time / 3600;
my $loSeconds = $time % 3600;
my $minutes = $loSeconds / 60;
my $minutes=0;
if ( $time >= 60 ){
$minutes = $loSeconds / 60;
my $seconds = $loSeconds % 60;
#nicely format it
#this will be returned
my $toReturn='';
@ -868,18 +1112,20 @@ sub userSearchGet{
=head1 userSearchSetString
This gets the user to be searched for and if it should be inverted or not.
This returns an array reference of users to search for.
This takes a string to set the user search for.
An selection can be inverted via !.
The string may contain multiple users seperated by a comma.
If the string is undef, all users will be shown.
#search for user foo and bar
#show users not matching foo
#show all users, clearing any previous settings
@ -888,17 +1134,105 @@ sub userSearchSetString{
my $user_search_string=$_[1];
my @user_search_array;
if ( ! defined( $user_search_string ) ){
$self->{error}='No user search string defined.';
return undef;
@user_search_array=split(/\,/, $user_search_string);
my @user_search_array=split(/\,/, $user_search_string);
return 1;
=head2 waitSearchGet
Returns the current value for the wait search.
The return is a array ref.
my $wait_search=$cps->waitSearchGet;
sub waitSearchGet{
my $self=$_[0];
return $self->{wait_search};
=head2 waitSearchSetString
This takes a string to set the wait channel search for.
An selection can be inverted via !.
The string may contain multiple users seperated by a comma.
If the string is undef, all wait channels will be shown.
#search for wait channel wait and sleep
#shows wait channels not matching sbwait
#show all users, clearing any previous settings
sub waitSearchSetString{
my $self=$_[0];
my $wait_search_string=$_[1];
my @wait_search_array;
if ( ! defined( $wait_search_string ) ){
@wait_search_array=split(/\,/, $wait_search_string);
return 1;
=head2 zombieSearchGet
Returns the current value for the zombie search.
The return is a Perl boolean.
my $zombie_search=$cps->zombieSearchGet;
if ( $zombie_search ){
print "only zombie procs will be shown";
sub zombieSearchGet{
my $self=$_[0];
return $self->{zombie_search};
=head2 zombieSearchSet
Sets the zombie search value.
The value taken is a Perl boolean.
$cps->zombieSearchSet( 1 );
sub zombieSearchSet{
my $self=$_[0];
my $zombie_search=$_[1];
return 1;
@ -931,9 +1265,9 @@ The default is as below.
=head2 1 / noUserStringDefined
=head2 1 / badTimeString
No string string of users to search for defined.
The time search string contains errors.
=head1 AUTHOR