
452 lines
9.9 KiB

package Proc::ProcessTable::ncps;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Proc::ProcessTable::Match;
use Proc::ProcessTable;
use Text::ANSITable;
use Term::ANSIColor;
=head1 NAME
Proc::ProcessTable::ncps - The great new Proc::ProcessTable::ncps!
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.0.0
our $VERSION = '0.0.0';
use Proc::ProcessTable::ncps;
my $ncps = Proc::ProcessTable::ncps->new();
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
sub new {
my %args;
if (defined($_[1])) {
%args= %{$_[1]};
my $self = {
bless $self;
if ( defined( $args{match} ) ){
$self->{match}=Proc::ProcessTable::Match->new( $args{match} );
return $self;
=head2 run
sub run{
my $self=$_[0];
my $ppt = Proc::ProcessTable->new( 'cache_ttys' => 1 );
my $pt = $ppt->table;
my $procs;
if ( defined( $self->{match} ) ){
foreach my $proc ( @{ $pt } ){
if ( $self->{match}->match( $proc ) ){
push( @{ $procs }, $proc );
my $physmem;
if ( $^O =~ /bsd/ ){
$physmem=`/sbin/sysctl -a hw.physmem`;
chomp( $physmem );
$physmem=~s/^.*\: //;
my $tb = Text::ANSITable->new;
$tb->border_style('Default::none_ascii'); # if not, a nice default is picked
$tb->color_theme('Default::no_color'); # if not, a nice default is picked
my @headers;
my $header_int=0;
push( @headers, 'User' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 0); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'PID' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 1); $header_int++;
push( @headers, '%CPU' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 0); $header_int++;
push( @headers, '%MEM' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 0); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'VSZ' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 1); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'RSS' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 0); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'Info' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 1); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'Start' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 0); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'Time' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 1); $header_int++;
push( @headers, 'Command' );
$tb->set_column_style($header_int, pad => 1, formats=>[[wrap => {ansi=>1, mb=>1}]]);
$tb->columns( \@headers );
my @td;
foreach my $proc ( @{ $procs } ) {
if ( $proc->{fname} !~ /^idle$/ ) {
my @new_line;
# handle username column
my $user=getpwuid($proc->{uid});
if ( ! defined( $user ) ) {
push( @new_line, $user );
# handles the PID
push( @new_line, color('bright_cyan').$proc->{pid}.color('reset') );
# handles the %CPU
push( @new_line, color('bright_green').$proc->{pctcpu}.color('reset') );
# handles the %MEM
if ( $^O =~ /bsd/ ) {
my $mem=(($proc->{rssize} * 1024 * 4 ) / $physmem) * 100;
push( @new_line, color('bright_green').sprintf('%.2f', $mem).color('reset') );
} else {
push( @new_line, color('bright_green').sprintf('%.2f', $proc->{pctcpu}).color('reset') );
# handles VSZ
push( @new_line, color('bright_green').$proc->{size}.color('reset') );
# handles the rss
push( @new_line, color('bright_green').$proc->{rss}.color('reset') );
# handles the info
my $info=color('bright_magenta');
my %flags;
# parses the flags for freebsd
if ( $^O =~ /freebsd/ ) {
if ( hex($proc->flags) & 0x00002 ) {
if ( hex($proc->flags) & 0x00000002 ) {
#if ( hex($proc->flags) & ){$flags{is_being_forked}=1; }
if ( hex($proc->flags) & 0x02000 ) {
if ( hex($proc->flags) & 0x00002 ) {
if ( hex($proc->flags) & 0x00000004 ) {
if ( hex($proc->flags) & 0x00800 ) {
if ( hex($proc->flags) & 0x00001 ) {
# get the state
if (
$info eq 'sleep'
) {
} elsif (
$info eq 'zombie'
) {
} elsif (
$info eq 'wait'
) {
} elsif (
$info eq 'run'
) {
#checks if it is swapped out
if (
( $proc->{state} ne 'zombie' ) &&
( $proc->{rss} == '0' )
) {
#handles the various flags
if ( $flags{working_on_exiting} ) {
if ( $flags{is_session_leader} ) {
if ( $flags{is_locked} || $flags{posix_advisory_lock} ) {
if ( $flags{has_controlling_terminal} ) {
if ( $flags{is_being_forked} ) {
if ( $flags{traced_by_debugger} ) {
# adds the wchan
$info=$info.' '.color('bright_blue');
if ( $^O =~ /linux/ ) {
my $wchan='';
if ( -e '/proc/'.$proc->{pid}.'/wchan') {
open( my $wchan_fh, '<', '/proc/'.$proc->{pid}.'/wchan' );
$wchan=readline( $wchan_fh );
close( $wchan_fh );
} else {
$info=$info.' '.color('reset');
# finally actually add it to the new new line array
push( @new_line, $info );
# handles the start column
push( @new_line, color('bright_cyan').$self->startString( $proc->{start} ).color('reset') );
# handles the time column
push( @new_line, $self->timeString( $proc->{time} ) );
# handle the command
my $command=color('bright_red');
if ( $proc->{cmndline} =~ /^$/ ) {
} else {
push( @new_line, $command.color('reset') );
#$tb->add_row( \@new_line );
push( @td, \@new_line );
$tb->add_rows( \@td );
return $tb->draw;
=head2 startString
Generates a short time string based on the supplied unix time.
sub startString{
my $self=$_[0];
my $startTime=$_[1];
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($startTime);
my ($csec,$cmin,$chour,$cmday,$cmon,$cyear,$cwday,$cyday,$cisdst) = localtime(time);
#add the required stuff to make this sane
$year += 1900;
$cyear += 1900;
$mon += 1;
$cmon += 1;
#find the most common one and return it
if ( $year ne $cyear ){
return $year.sprintf('%02d', $mon).sprintf('%02d', $mday).'-'.sprintf('%02d', $hour).':'.sprintf('%02d', $min);
if ( $mon ne $cmon ){
return sprintf('%02d', $mon).sprintf('%02d', $mday).'-'.sprintf('%02d', $hour).':'.sprintf('%02d', $min);
if ( $mday ne $cmday ){
return sprintf('%02d', $mday).'-'.sprintf('%02d', $hour).':'.sprintf('%02d', $min);
#just return this for anything less
return sprintf('%02d', $hour).':'.sprintf('%02d', $min);
=head2 timeString
Turns the raw run string into something usable.
sub timeString{
my $self=$_[0];
my $time=$_[1];
my $colors=[
my $hours=0;
if ( $time >= 3600 ){
$hours = $time / 3600;
my $loSeconds = $time % 3600;
my $minutes=0;
if ( $time >= 60 ){
$minutes = $loSeconds / 60;
my $seconds = $loSeconds % 60;
#nicely format it
#this will be returned
my $toReturn='';
#process the hours bit
if ( $hours == 0 ){
#don't do anything if time is 0
$hours >= 10
#process the minutes bit
if (
( $hours > 0 ) ||
( $minutes > 0 )
$toReturn=$toReturn.color( $colors->[1] ). $minutes.':';
$toReturn=$toReturn.color( $colors->[0] ).$seconds.color('reset');
return $toReturn;
=head1 AUTHOR
Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, C<< <vvelox at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-proc-processtable-ncps at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Proc::ProcessTable::ncps
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
1; # End of Proc::ProcessTable::ncps