
399 lines
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package Rex::Virtualization::CBSD;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Rex::Virtualization::Base;
use base qw(Rex::Virtualization::Base);
=head1 NAME
Rex::Virtualization::CBSD - CBSD virtualization modulem for bhyve
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.0.1
our $VERSION = '0.0.1';
use Rex::Commands::Virtualization;
set virtualization => "CBSD";
use Data::Dumper;
sub new {
my $that = shift;
my $proto = ref($that) || $that;
my $self = {@_};
bless( $self, $proto );
return $self;
=head1 Methods
=head2 cbsd_base_dir
This returns the CBSD base dir that the install is stored in.
No arguments are taken.
This will die upon error.
my $cbsd_base_dir=vm 'cbsd_base_dir'
=head2 disk_list
This returns a list of disks setup for use with Bhyve in CBSD via parsing
the output of the command below.
cbsd bhyve-dsk-list display=jname,dsk_controller,dsk_path,dsk_size,dsk_sectorsize,bootable,dsk_zfs_guid header=0
This returned data is a array of hashes.
The keys are as below.
vm - The name of the VM in question.
controller - Controller type configured for this.
path - The path to the disk.
size - Size of the disk in question.
sectorsize - size of the sectors in question.
bootable - If it is bootable. true/false
zfs_guid - ZFS GUID of the disk.
This dies upon failure.
my @disks
@disks=vm 'disk_list';
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to the disk list... '.$error);
print Dumper(\@disks);
=head2 info
This fetches the available configuration information for a VM via
the command below.
cbsd bget jname=$vm
The returned value is a flat hash of key value pairs.
my %vm_info
%vm_info=vm 'info' => 'foo';
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to get settings for the VM... '.$error);
foreach my $vm_info_key (@{keys(%vm_info)}){
print $vm_info_key.": ".$vm_info{$vm_info_key}."\n";
=head2 list
List available VMs.
The returned array is a hash of hashes. The first level hash is the jname.
nodename - The node name that this is set to run on.
vm - Name of the VM.
jid - Jail ID/process ID of the VM if running. IF '0' it is not running.
vm_ram - Max RAM for the VM.
vm_curmem - Current RAM in use by the VM.
vm_cpus - Number of virtual CPUs.
pcpu - Current CPU usage.
vm_os_type - OS type for the VM.
ip4_addr - Expected IPv4 address for the VM.
status - Current status of the VM.
vnc - VNC address and port for the VM.
path - Path to where the VM is stored.
This dies upon failure.
my %vm_list;
%vm_list=vm 'list';
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to list the VM... '.$error);
foreach my $vm_name (@{keys( %vm_list )}){
'VM: '.$vm_name."\n".
'jid: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{jid}."\n".
'vm_ram: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{vm_ram}."\n".
'vm_curmem: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{vm_curmem}."\n".
'vm_cpus: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{vm_cpus}."\n".
'vm_ram: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{pcpu}."\n".
'vm_os_type: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{vm_os_type}."\n".
'ip4_addr: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{ip4_addr}."\n".
'status: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{status}."\n".
'vnc: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{vnc}."\n".
'path: '.$vm_list{$vm_name}{path}."\n".
=head2 nic_list
List configured NICs.
This returned data is a array of hashes.
The keys are as below.
vm - The name of the VM in question.
driver - The driver in use. As of currently either vtnet or e1000.
type - Needs documented.
parent - Either the name of the parent NIC, example 'bridge1', or set to 'auto'.
hwaddr - The MAC address for the NIC.
address - Address of the NIC. '0' if not configured.
mtu - The MTU of NIC. '0' if default.
persistent - 0/1 - If it should exist when the VM is not in use. '0' is the default.
ratelimit - Rate limit for the interface. '0' is the default, not in use.
This dies upon failure.
my @nics
@nics=vm nic_list;
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to the NIC list... '.$error);
print Dumper(\@nics);
=head2 pause
This pauses a VM in question. The following modes are available. If no
more is specified, audo is used.
auto - (by default) triggering - e.g, if vm active then pause
on - pause, stop
off - unpause, continue
The command called is as below.
cbsd bpause $vm mode=$mode
This dies upon failure.
vm 'pause' => 'foo';
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to pause the VM foo... '.$error);
=head2 pci_list
List configured PCI devices for a VM.
This returned data is a array of hashes.
The keys are as below.
name - Drive name of the PCI item.
bus - Bus number.
slot - Slot number.
function - Function number.
desc - Description of the device.
One argument is required and that is the name of the VM.
This dies upon failure.
my @devices
@devices=vm 'nic_list' => 'foo';
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to the PCI device list... '.$error);
print Dumper(\@devices);
=head2 remove
This removes the selected VM and remove the data. This is done via the command...
cbsd bdestroy $vm
One argument is taken and that is the name of the VM.
This dies upon failure.
vm 'remove' => 'foo'
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to remove the VM foo... '.$error);
=head2 restart
This restarts the selected VM. This is done via the command...
cbsd brestart $vm
One argument is taken and that is the name of the VM.
This dies upon failure.
vm 'restart' => 'foo'
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to restart the VM foo... '.$error);
=head2 start
This starts a VM. This is done via the command...
cbsd bstart jname=$vm
One argument is taken and that is the name of the VM. If '*' or 'vm*' then
start all VM whose names begin with 'vm', e.g. 'vm1', 'vm2'...
This dies upon failure.
vm 'start' => 'foo'
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to start the VM foo... '.$error);
=head2 stop
This stops a VM. This is done via the command below...
cbsd bstop jname=$vm [hard_timeout=$timeout] [noacpi=$noacpi]
One argument is required and that is the name of the VM.
The following options are optional.
hard_timeout - Wait N seconds (30 by default) before hard reset.
noacpi - 0,1. Set to 1 to prevent ACPI signal sending, just kill.
By default it will attempt to use ACPI to ask it to shutdown.
This dies upon failure.
vm 'stop' => 'foo',
hard_timeout => 60;
} or do {
my $error = $@ || 'Unknown failure';
warn('Failed to stop the VM foo... '.$error);
=head1 AUTHOR
Zane C. Bowers-HAdley, C<< <vvelox at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-rex-virtualization-cbsd at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Rex::Virtualization::CBSD
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by Zane C. Bowers-HAdley.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
1; # End of Rex::Virtualization::CBSD