
423 lines
8.3 KiB

package Search::ESsearcher::Templates::syslog;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
Search::ESsearcher::Templates::syslog - Provides syslog support for essearcher.
=head1 VERSION
Version 1.1.1
our $VERSION = '1.1.1';
This uses a logstash configuration below.
input {
syslog {
host => ""
port => 11514
type => "syslog"
filter { }
output {
if [type] == "syslog" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "" ]
The important bit is "type" being set to "syslog". If that is not used,
use the command line options field and fieldv.
=head1 Options
=head2 --host <log host>
The syslog server.
The search is done with .keyword appended to the field name.
=head2 --hostx <log host>
The syslog server.
Does not run the it through aonHost.
The search is done with .keyword appended to the field name.
=head2 --src <src server>
The source server sending to the syslog server.
The search is done with .keyword appended to the field name.
=head2 --srcx <src server>
The source server sending to the syslog server.
Does not run the it through aonHost.
The search is done with .keyword appended to the field name.
=head2 --program <program>
The name of the daemon/program in question.
=head2 --size <count>
The number of items to return.
=head2 --facility <facility>
The syslog facility.
=head2 --severity <severity>
The severity level of the message.
=head2 --pid <pid>
The PID that sent the message.
=head2 --dgt <date>
Date greater than.
=head2 --dgte <date>
Date greater than or equal to.
=head2 --dlt <date>
Date less than.
=head2 --dlte <date>
Date less than or equal to.
=head2 --msg <message>
Messages to match.
=head2 --field <field>
The term field to use for matching them all.
=head2 --fieldv <fieldv>
The value of the term field to matching them all.
=head1 AND, OR, or NOT shortcut
, OR
A list seperated by any of those will be transformed
These may be used with program, facility, pid, or host.
example: --program postfix,spamd
results: postfix OR spamd
=head1 HOST AND, OR, or NOT shortcut
, OR
A list of hosts seperated by any of those will be transformed.
A host name should always end in a period unless it is a FQDN.
These may be used with host and src.
example: --src foo.,
results: /foo./ OR /
=head1 date
/^-/ appends "now" to it. So "-5m" becomes "now-5m".
/^u\:/ takes what is after ":" and uses Time::ParseDate to convert it to a
unix time value.
Any thing not matching maching any of the above will just be passed on.
sub search{
return '
[% USE JSON ( pretty => 1 ) %]
[% DEFAULT o.size = "50" %]
[% DEFAULT o.field = "type" %]
[% DEFAULT o.fieldv = "syslog" %]
"index": "logstash-*",
"body": {
"size": [% o.size.json %],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": { [% o.field.json %]: [% o.fieldv.json %] }
[% IF %]
{"query_string": {
"default_field": "host.keyword",
"query": [% aonHost( ).json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.hostx %]
{"query_string": {
"default_field": "host.keyword",
"query": [% o.hostx.json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.srcx %]
{"query_string": {
"default_field": "logsource.keyword",
"query": [% o.srcx.json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.src %]
{"query_string": {
"default_field": "logsource.keyword",
"query": [% aonHost( o.src ).json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.program %]
{"query_string": {
"default_field": "program",
"query": [% aon( o.program ).json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.facility %]
{"query_string": {
"default_field": "facility_label",
"query": [% aon( o.facility ).json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.severity %]
{"query_string": {
"default_field": "severity_label",
"query": [% aon( o.severity ).json %]
[% END %]
[% IF %]
{"query_string": {
"default_field": "pid",
"query": [% aon( ).json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.msg %]
{"query_string": {
"default_field": "message",
"query": [% o.msg.json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.dgt %]
{"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"gt": [% pd( o.dgt ).json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.dgte %]
{"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"gte": [% pd( o.dgte ).json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.dlt %]
{"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"lt": [% pd( o.dlt ).json %]
[% END %]
[% IF o.dlte %]
{"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"lte": [% pd( o.dlte ).json %]
[% END %]
"sort": [
"@timestamp": {"order" : "desc"}}
sub options{
return '
sub output{
return '[% c("cyan") %][% f.timestamp %] [% c("bright_blue") %][% f.logsource %] '.
'[% c("bright_green") %][% f.program %][% c("bright_magenta") %][[% c("bright_yellow") %]'.
'[% %][% c("bright_magenta") %]] [% c("white") %]'.
'[% PERL %]'.
'use Term::ANSIColor;'.
'my $f=$stash->get("f");'.
'my $msg=color("white").$f->{message};'.
'my $replace=color("cyan")."<".color("bright_magenta");'.
'my $green=color("bright_green");'.
'my $white=color("white");'.
'my $yellow=color("bright_yellow");'.
'my $blue=color("bright_blue");'.
'print $msg;'.
'[% END %]';
sub help{
return '
--host <log host> The syslog server.
--hostx <log host> The syslog server, raw.
--src <src server> The source server sending to the syslog server.
--srcx <src server> The source server sending to the syslog server, raw.
--program <program> The name of the daemon/program in question.
--size <count> The number of items to return.
--facility <facility> The syslog facility.
--severity <severity> The severity level of the message.
--pid <pid> The PID that sent the message.
--dgt <date> Date greater than.
--dgte <date> Date greater than or equal to.
--dlt <date> Date less than.
--dlte <date> Date less than or equal to.
--msg <message> Messages to match.
--field <field> The term field to use for matching them all.
--fieldv <fieldv> The value of the term field to matching them all.
AND, OR, or NOT shortcut
, OR
A list seperated by any of those will be transformed.
These may be used with program, facility, and pid.
example: --program postfix,spamd
HOST AND, OR, or NOT shortcut
, OR
A list of hosts seperated by any of those will be transformed.
A host name should always end in a period unless it is a FQDN.
These may be used with host and src.
example: --src foo.,
results: /foo./ OR /
field and fieldv
The search template is written with the expectation that logstash is setting
"type" with a value of "syslog". If you are using like "tag" instead of "type"
or the like, this allows you to change the field and value.
/^-/ appends "now" to it. So "-5m" becomes "now-5m".
/^u\:/ takes what is after ":" and uses Time::ParseDate to convert it to a
unix time value.
Any thing not matching maching any of the above will just be passed on.