
252 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

=head1 NAME
clonehelper - Create a bunch of cloned VMs in via libvirt.
clonehelper [B<-f> <config>] [B<-n> <name>] B<-a> <action>
The basic work flow for this is like below.
wait a bit till they are all started
This can automatically be done via using the
action recreate. If you wish to do it for all, you likely
want to use recreate_all.
A single VM may be acted upon via using the -n switch.
=head2 -a <action>
The action to perform.
=head2 -f <config>
The config to use.
=head2 -n <name>
Act specifically on this VM instead of them all.
=head1 ACTIONS
=head2 list
Print a JSON dump of VMs, maps, and IPs.
=head2 start
Start all the VM clones.
=head2 stop
Stop all the VM clones.
=head2 clone
Generate the VM clones.
=head2 delete
Delete all the VM clones.
=head2 net_xml
Generate the XML config and print it.
=head2 net_redefine
Remove and re-add the network using the generated config.
=head2 recreate
Recreate the VMs.
=head2 recreate_all
Recreate the VMs, doing them one at a time.
=head2 snapshot
Snapshot all the VM clones.
=head1 CONFIG
The config format is a INI file.
The variable/value defaults are shown below.
# Name of the libvirt network in question.
# List of domains to blank via setting 'dnsmasq:option value='address=/foo.bar/'.
# If not this file does not exist, it will be skipped.
# The top part of the net XML config that that dnsmasq options will be
# sandwhiched between.
# The bottom part of the net XML config that that dnsmasq options will
# be sandwhiched between.
# Blank commonly used MS domains. This is handy for reducing network noise
# when testing as well as making sure they any VMs don't do something like
# run updates when one does not want it to.
# Base to use for the MAC.
# Base to use for the IPs for adding static assignments.
# Where to start in set.
# The name of the VM to clone.
# Base name to use for creating the clones. 'foo' will become 'foo$current', so
# for a start of 100, the first one would be 'foo100' and with a count of 10 the
# last will be 'foo109'.
# How many clones to create.
# The name to use for the snapshot.
# How long to wait if auto-doing all.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Config::Tiny;
use JSON;
use VM::Libvirt::CloneHelper;
sub version {
print "clonehelper v. 0.1.0\n";
sub help {
print '
-f <file> Config file.
-a <action> Action to perform.
-n <name> Name of a VM.
-h Print help.
--help Print help.
-v Print version.
--version Print version.
list Print a JSON dump of VMs, maps, and IPs.
start Start all the VM clones.
stop Stop all the VM clones.
clone Generate the VM clones.
delete Delete all the VM clones.
net_xml Generate the XML config and print it.
net_redefine Remove and re-add the network using the generated config.
snapshot Snapshot all the VM clones.
recreate Recreate a VM specified via -n.
recreate_all Recreate all VMs.
my $config_file = '/usr/local/etc/clonehelper/config.ini';
my $action = 'list';
my $help = 0;
my $version = 0;
my $name = undef;
'version' => \$version,
'v' => \$version,
'help' => \$help,
'h' => \$help,
'f=s' => \$config_file,
'a=s' => \$action,
'n=s' => \$name,
# print version or help if requested
if ($help) {
exit 42;
if ($version) {
exit 42;
# die if the config file does not exist
if ( !-f $config_file ) {
die $config_file . ' does not exist';
# read the config
my $config = Config::Tiny->read( $config_file, 'utf8' )
or die( 'unable to read config("' . $config_file . '")... ' . $@ );
my $clone_helper = VM::Libvirt::CloneHelper->new( $config->{_} );
if ( $action eq 'list' ) {
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref->pretty(1)->canonical(1);
print $json->encode( $clone_helper->vm_list );
elsif ( $action eq 'start' ) {
elsif ( $action eq 'stop' ) {
elsif ( $action eq 'delete' ) {
elsif ( $action eq 'snapshot' ) {
elsif ( $action eq 'net_xml' ) {
my $xml = $clone_helper->net_xml;
print $xml;
elsif ( $action eq 'net_redefine' ) {
elsif ( $action eq 'clone' ) {
elsif ( $action eq 'recreate' ) {
elsif ( $action eq 'recreate_all' ) {
else {
die $action . ' is not a understood action';
exit 0;