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setting and setting fetching done... time to implement actual logic

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Zane C. B-H 2019-02-19 03:18:16 -06:00
commit 2092adfdbc
1 arquivos alterados com 258 adições e 8 exclusões

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@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ package Parse::Netstat::Search;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Error::Helper';
use Net::CIDR;
=head1 NAME
Parse::Netstat::Search - Searches
Parse::Netstat::Search - Searches the connection list in the hash returned by Parse::Netstat
=head1 VERSION
@ -19,15 +21,16 @@ our $VERSION = '0.0.0';
Quick summary of what the module does.
Perhaps a little code snippet.
use Parse::Netstat::Search;
use Parse::Netstat qw(parse_netstat);
my $res = parse_netstat(output => join("", `netstat -anp`), flavor=>'linux');
my $search = Parse::Netstat::Search->new();
=head1 methods
=head2 new
@ -35,6 +38,22 @@ Perhaps a little code snippet.
sub new{
my $self={
'2' =>'unknownService',
bless $self;
return $self;
@ -46,8 +65,35 @@ The returned value is an array.
sub get_cidr{
sub get_cidrs{
my $self=$_[0];
if( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
return @{ $self->{cidrs} };
=head2 get_ports
Gets a list of desired ports.
The returned value is a array. Each item is a port number,
regardless of if it was set based on number or service name.
my @ports=$search->get_ports;
sub get_ports{
my $self=$_[0];
if( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
return keys( %{ $self->{ports} } );
=head2 get_protocols
@ -59,7 +105,13 @@ The returned value is a array.
sub get_protocols{
my $self=$_[0];
if( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
return keys( %{ $self->{protocols} } );
=head2 get_states
@ -71,7 +123,13 @@ The returned value is a array.
sub get_states{
my $self=$_[0];
if( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
return keys( %{ $self->{states} } );
=head2 set_cidrs
@ -79,14 +137,53 @@ sub get_states{
This sets the list of CIDRs to search for
in either the local or remote field.
One value is taken and that is a array of CIDRs.
One value is taken and that is a array ref of CIDRs.
Validating in is done by Net::CIDR::cidrvalidate.
# set the desired CIDRs to the contents of @CIDRs
$search->set_cidrs( \@CIDRs );
if ( $search->error ){
warn("Improper CIDR");
# clear any previously set
sub set_cidrs{
my $self=$_[0];
my @cidrs;
if ( defined( $_ ) ){
@cidrs=@{ $_[1] };
if( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
#blank it if none is given
if ( !defined( $cidrs[0] ) ){
#chueck each one
my $cidr=pop(@cidrs);
while ( defined( $cidr ) ){
if ( ! Net::CIDR::cidrvalidate( $cidr ) ){
$self->{errorString}='"'.$cidr.'" is not a valid CIDR according to Net::CIDR::cidrvalidate';
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 set_ports
@ -94,12 +191,64 @@ sub set_cidrs{
This sets the ports to search for in either
the local or remote field.
One value is taken and that is a array of ports.
One value is taken and that is a array ref of ports.
The ports can be either numeric or by name.
# Set the desired ports to the contents of @ports.
$search->set_ports( \@ports );
if ( $search->error ){
warn("Bad value in ports array");
# removes any previous selections
sub set_ports{
my $self=$_[0];
my @ports;
if ( defined( $_ ) ){
@ports=@{ $_[1] };
if( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if ( !defined( $ports[0] ) ){
my $port=pop( @ports );
my %lookup_hash;
while( defined( $port ) ){
my $port_number;
if ( $port =~ /^\d+$/ ){
# Find the first matching port number.
# Does not care what protocol comes up.
$port_number=(getservbyname( $port , '' ))[2];
# If it is not defined, we did not find a matching
# service record for the requested port name.
if ( !defined( $port_number ) ){
$self->{errorString}='"'.$port.'" was not found as a known service';
return undef;
$port=pop( @ports );
#save this for later
return 1;
=head2 set_protocols
@ -110,10 +259,54 @@ One value is taken and that is a array.
If this is undef, then previous settings will be cleared.
Lacking of exhaustive list of possible values for the
OSes supported by Parse::Netstat, no santity checking
is done.
Starting and trailing white space is removed.
# Set the desired ports to the contents of @protocols.
$search->set_protocols( \@protocols );
if ( $search->error ){
warn("Bad value in ports array");
# removes any previous selections
sub set_protocols{
my $self=$_[0];
my @protocols;
if ( defined( $_ ) ){
@protocols=@{ $_[1] };
if( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if ( !defined( $protocols[0] ) ){
my %lookup_hash;
my $protocol=pop( @protocols );
while( defined( $protocol ) ){
$protocol=~s/^[\ \t]*//;
$protocol=~s/^[\ \t]*//;
#create a LCed version of the protocol name
$lookup_hash{ lc( $protocol ) }=1;
$protocol=pop( @protocols );
#save it for usage later
return 1;
=head2 set_states
@ -124,13 +317,70 @@ One value is taken and that is a array.
If this is undef, then previous settings will be cleared.
Lacking of exhaustive list of possible values for the
OSes supported by Parse::Netstat, no santity checking
is done.
Starting and trailing white space is removed.
# Set the desired ports to the contents of @protocols.
$search->set_protocols( \@protocols );
if ( $search->error ){
warn("Bad value in ports array");
# removes any previous selections
sub set_states{
my $self=$_[0];
my @states;
if ( defined( $_ ) ){
@states=@{ $_[1] };
if( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if ( !defined( $states[0] ) ){
my %lookup_hash;
my $state=pop(@states);
while ( defined( $state ) ){
$state=~s/^[\ \t]*//;
$state=~s/^[\ \t]*//;
#create a LCed version of the protocol name
$lookup_hash{ lc( $state ) }=1;
#save it for usage later
return 1;
Error handling is provided by L<Error::Helper>.
=head2 1 / badCIDR
Invalid CIDR passed.
Validation is done by Net::CIDR::cidrvalidate.
=head2 2 / unknownService
Could not look up the port number for the specified service.
=head1 AUTHOR
Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, C<< <vvelox at vvelox.net> >>